HELP! Self-Pay options needed!

It looks like I am going to have to go the self-pay route as my PCP isn't being cooperative in doing what Medicaid requires. I think I heard that Liv-Lite offers payment plans, do they? Any others offer financing? Thanks a million in advance for all you alls help.    — arlene713 (posted on February 23, 2005)

February 23, 2005
I was a self pay. My surgeon was $3250.00 and, so far, out of pocket for the surgery center I was in was $9,900.00. I am sure that I will receive other bills but I am going to try and send them into insurance. I had my surgery done by the Northern Colorado Surgical Center. My doctor was Dr. Pettine. I highly recommend him and the surgery center. They will only do the surgery at the surgery center if you are under 350 and do not have allot of other comorbidities. They help with places to stay to, if you travel. Something to think about. Hope you find something to work for you. Terry
   — Terry Lynn W.

February 23, 2005
i too am having to self pay. i was fortunate enough that someone else asked a simular question several months back and some one offered their advice about going to mexico. i have found dr. agguire in ensenada. he is doing surgery under 10,000. i have read many post from his patients and i do believe he is great.
   — gogeko

February 23, 2005
Since you are going to self-pay, I hope you will look at the duodenal switch procedure -- at least with self-pay, you can have your procedure of CHOICE, without the insurance hassle.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 23, 2005
Look outside of the US. It's much cheaper elsewhere.
   — PattyL

February 23, 2005
I have found self pay in Houston, TX for $19K including pre-op, post-op visits and any complicatons within the first 6 months. Contact me if you would like more information.
   — Gina A

February 23, 2005
To me the issue here is your PCP. Get another one!!! There is no reason to be self-pay if it's a matter of someone doing some paperwork or following you for a while to document your weight loss attempts etc. <p>If you do end up self-pay and go far away from home then make sure you have a local doc that can follow you for problems should they arise. I personally would not even go out of state, except to MAYO's in MN, due to the possibility of problems. I spent the first 3 months after WLS seeing my surgeon every 5-10 days due to incision healing problems. I ended up needing a 2nd outpatient surgery to go in and get the darn stitches in the fascia, that would not dissolve, out. Once they were gone it finally healed up within about 5 weeks, which would be normal. I also saw the surgeon every week or so for 8 weeks after my LBL due to fluid build up and having to add drains back in etc. I'm a drainer, no question! I do not know what I would have done in either of these cases had I gone far away for surgery. I would have had to find a local surgeon who would be willing to deal with these problems and normally that would be difficult. You'd have to have it arranged ahead of time. I know many do go out of the country or many states away, but for me personally it is not an option. I want access to MY surgeon who knows exactly what he did etc. I did have insurance coverage for the WLS and a sizeable portion of the PS's but I still put out $20,000 related to the 3 PS's I've had. The legs were total self-pay and I also paid for 2nd procedures on the first 2 surgeries that insurance determined cosmetic. I could have probably had all three surgeries completely done out of the country for tons less than the $20,000 I paid just for my portion. But for me it is not worth the issue of having to deal with PO problems. I like being an hour or less away from my surgeons. <p>One last caution about giving up on Medicaid paying for WLS and going self-pay. Keep in mind that if you go self-pay and have any complications down the road that can in any way be related to WLS there is almost a 99.99% chance it would not be covered. So you are taking on all medical care related to WLS for the rest of your life most likely. While many have had to do this because their insurance left them with no choice, in your case it sounds like there still might be room for getting it paid with the right PCP on your side. I wish you well in getting WLS! It definitely is worth the fight!!
   — zoedogcbr

February 23, 2005
Not to be rude, but if your on Medicaid - you cant afford to self pay... and YOU shouldnt have to... Find another PCP - or call the surgeons office you know uses medicaid and as them for 'friendly pcps'
   — star .

February 24, 2005
The Bariatric Center at St. Vincents Hospital in Little Rock, AR has a self-pay price of $15,000. Excellent surgeons too. Dr. Ozment is the director and did mine. He is one of the pioneers of the RNY and has done over 8,000 of them. Has had only 3 leaks out of all these. He is wonderful and has an excellent bedside manner. If you have any questions just ask.
   — Erin N.

February 24, 2005
I second that idea of changing PCPs. Thats what I did when I had major issues with my PCP not supporting my quest for surgery. And now here I am just waiting for my surgeons office to call with my surgery date. I had other complications on why it took so long for me to get approved but please feel free to read my profile and get some inspiration on fighting the system and your right to have surgery. =) {{hugs}}
   — ImANewDee

February 25, 2005
I agree that you should look for another PCP or perhaps surgeon that is willing to do what Medicaid requires to have them finance and pay for it. Dont give up on that avenue yet-pursue this approach first. If you have done so and can not find any other way for insurance to pay for it, do you own your own home, perhaps with equity in your home? You can take out a 2nd mortage or a home equity loan or re-finance your current home with a lower interest rate and use the $ to pay for surgery. If you have a retirement plan at work, sometimes you can borrow against that.
   — Cindy R.

February 25, 2005
Arlene, I went straight to the Surgeon and let him and his Bariatric nurse handle everything for me and I have MEDICARE...... Stop trying to go thru your PCP...go straight to the surgeon whom you want to do the surgery for you..................Good Luck and let me hear from you, Cindy
   — cindirella

February 25, 2005
With Medicare you can let the surgeons office handle everything. With Medicare though since it is state handled, 99% of the time you must have referrals from your primary doctor to even schedule a consult. And even then you may still be required to pay for it out of pocket.
   — ImANewDee

February 25, 2005
Oopsie!! that second one should be Medicaid. Medicaid requires referrals. Medicare does not preauth WLS.
   — ImANewDee

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