i am fear going under anyone eles have that fear

i was on the table about 2yr ago when i had a panic attack and i was wonering if anyone had that some fear    — lizzy L. (posted on February 19, 2004)

February 19, 2004
Be sure to tell your surgeon, and especially the anesthesiologist that will see you before surgery, about your previous problem. They have some lovely drugs that will calm you. This is not an unusual problem. Many people get panicky before they go under.
   — koogy

February 19, 2004
I was so nervous about having anesthesia! I had severe sleep apnea and was so afraid that I would stop breathing during surgery and die! I had such a wonderful crew of nurses, doctors, anesthesiologists, etc! They gave me a little something prior to going to the operating room and I felt so at ease. The next thing I remember....I was awake and the nurse was telling me that my surgery was over!
   — Terri G.

February 19, 2004
I haven't had surgery yet but ask your surgeon if the hospital can give you something when you get there to calm your nerves down. I think that is a common practice. I will most definitely be dopped up before going under to control anxiety.
   — Shayla527

February 19, 2004
Hi, I can relate! I was given ether when I was under two years of age and the doctors told my mom I wouldn't remember. Not true! I used to panic, but now they are so much better at giving you relaxing medicine before you really go under, and it's not as bad as it used to be. If you have someone who could hold your hand, that might help. Perhaps you could put headphones on and listen to music--that's what I do at the dentist's office to block out that awful drill, lol. Another thing that can help with panic attacks is to breathe in, breathe out, slowly to help your body relax. Also, focusing on something or someone you love can help keep the panic thoughts out. I sure hope some of this helps because as I stated, I sure can relate! LM
   — catly

February 19, 2004
Hi Lizzie, i can really relate since I am 3 days post=op and had the same fears. You cannot believe how wonderful all the "helpers" are who assist with the surgery. I got some of that famous relaxing juice and was calmed by all the staff. they don't want you fearful--makes their job more diffucult, so tell everybody who will listen about your fears. I had a great experience, if you can say that about surgery. Good luck--you will be through it in no time.
   — Patricia F.

February 19, 2004
hi....I worried about that too, but after they started the IV, they gave me something, and the next thing I remember is waking in the recovery room. For some, I have heard the medicine just relaxes you, but for others, it KNOCKS you out. Tanya
   — Tanya C.

February 19, 2004
I never even saw the hallway leading to the OR, let alone that room itself! LOL Whatever they gave me in the prep room knocked me out immediately. But I was afraid of going under, I admit. I think we all must be a little afraid of that - you have lost all control at that point, and when you wake up it's like no time passed at all. It's a bizarre and strange experience, to say the least. But a necessary one sometimes.
   — Carlita

February 20, 2004
It is totally normal to be scared of being put under. I was terrified! I had my surgery 6 weeks ago and it is still very fresh in my mind. I just talked my husbands ear off to try and keep my mind off things while waiting to be taken to surgery. The nurse did come in and gave me something to relax though. It helped a great deal! After that I had no anxiety. When they came to take me to surgery it was a quick ride and as soon as I arrived in the operating room I was out. Don't worry you are going to be fine! Best wishes on your upcoming surgery!
   — EPprincess29

February 20, 2004
Don't be embarrassed! When I was in the pre-op - alone without my family - I mean, they do eventually have to wheel you away! - there was a woman in there in absolute HYSTERICS. I could only kind of see the area - there had to be 8 people around her bed. I thought she was post op and in pain. She wasn't - she was terrified, and then I found out it was about putting in her IV. I mean this woman was so awful, and I mean to be sympathetic, she was terrified and not screaming, but was very loud, yelling in fear. I am amazed it didn't set me off in a panic, it was more that it made me sure I wasn't actually bothersome when I said I was afraid. I wasn't hysterical shall we say. It is normal to be afraid. In the last half of this year I will be having PS and already when I think of the going under I get scared. Congrats on taking this step, good luck in the months ahead.
   — Calleigh Q.

February 20, 2004
I was certain I was going to die on the table, simply because this was an elective procedure I was having. i think the fear and panic is normal
   — Jodie S.

February 20, 2004
Hello LIzzie, I've been in that situation more than once and you don't need to worry, things always work out fine. As a matter or fact, I now require that I am lucid when in the OR so that I can hear and respond to the environment around me. I found that if I can look around the room as they are prepping me, I'm more at ease with my emotions. My prayers will be always with you and I'll send a guardian Angel to be by your side. Deborah
   — Deborah

February 21, 2004
Hi, I am Carol. I had the same fears. I even went as far as to ask my Fiance if he wanted to just skip this part of our day and go get some breakfast. It is normal. But after being reassured by my Doc one more time. I proceded with my GB surgery. I am now 11 months post op and tell everyone that I would do this 100 times over. Down 157 lbs gone forever in just 11 months. I am so glad I went through with it. Just remember. Have Faith & God will see you through. Positive thoughts bring Positive results. MY prayrers will be with you.

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