How long were you in the hospital following LAP-RNY?

I notice on my doctor's forum webpage at that he lists the average hospital stay as 1 day for LAP-RNy procedures. How long were you in the hospital following your LAP-RNY procedure? I'm 50 and wondering if age will mean a longer hospital stay than just 1 day. Thanks for responses.    — Deborah L. (posted on January 4, 2004)

January 4, 2004
I was told the very next day that I could go home, however I didn't feel comfortable leaving so soon, so I chose to stay another day.
   — Tonya S.

January 4, 2004
I was in for 3 nights. The Dr. wanted to send me home after 2, but I was pretty nauseous so she let me stay. I hear from recent post-ops that the usual is 2 nights. Good luck!!!
   — Fixnmyself

January 4, 2004
I also am 50 and insulin dependant diabetic. I still only stayed 24 hours. The first couple of days at home were rough but I am 16 days post op now and feel pretty well. Don't try to overdue anything too soon. I did at Christmas and got overtired and had a couple days of set back.
   — Luanne P.

January 4, 2004
I went in on Wednesday morning and out by Noon Friday but a little tired but made it no problem. Tony 02/19/03 LAP RNY DISTAL 412/220/200 Dreaming for 190
   — tonyskid

January 4, 2004
I was 30 when I had my lap RNY earlier this year, and I went in on a Friday and was released on Tuesday. From what I'm reading, my stay was a little long. I had nausea a bit, and had to walk through the Dallas airport to catch a plane home, so I'm glad I got to stay.
   — raye

January 4, 2004
The five of us in my family who have had lap RNY were in the hospital two days. I was 54 at the time of my surgery and feel as if I did just as well as my daughters. I returned to work full-time in eight days, and had no problems other than feeling more tired than usual for the first couple of weeks. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

January 4, 2004
I was 41 at time of surgery (4/16/03) and spent 2 nights in the hospital. I was out visiting 2 days after that and back to work 9 days post-op. I had no pain meds after the first night just because I didn't need them. I did have the pump to administer pain meds, but they took it out because I wasn't using it. They took the catheter out soon also and I was up & about in no time. Yes, I was sore but it wasn't anything unbearable. Best wishes!! (4/16/03 273/170.5/140-145)
   — Diane S.

January 4, 2004
I had surgery about noon on Tuesday and went home on Thurday afternoon. My husband also had lap RNY and went home the day after surgery. We are 46 and 47 years old.
   — koogy

January 4, 2004
I had my surgery early Tuesday morning and Tuesday evening my surgeon told me I could go home Wednesday morning. I developed a fever late Tuesday night so he decided to keep me in until Thursday instead, my fever broke Wednesday morning and he wanted to make sure it stayed down for 24 hours before releasing me.
   — tazfan

January 5, 2004
My surgery was Thursday morning at 7:30 AM, I went home on Saturday afternoon at about 1:30 PM. I was 45 at the time of the surgery. Unless you have complications, I think 2 days is pretty standard for this. Best wishes to you. Lap RNY, 9/11/03, 254/198/???
   — Carlita

January 5, 2004
I had surgery early Thursday morning and went home around 3:00 p.m. on Friday. I was 55 at time of surgery.
   —  SCbabe B.

January 5, 2004
I had my surgery on a Thursday and went home Saturday night.
   — Patricia T.

January 5, 2004
I had surgery on a Monday and went home on Wednesday. The first night was a mandatory stay in ICU, the second night I stayed in a regular room.
   — Steph Elaine

January 5, 2004
I went in for surgery about 12pm on friday and was home by saturday at 6pm. My hospital has a bariatric floor so I didn't spend anytime in ICU. I am 35 yrs old. Best wishes to you!
   — JaimeO

January 5, 2004
I guess my hospital has a different outlook on post-op care. I had my surgery on a Thursday and went home on Monday afternoon. I was also admitted the day before surgery, so I was in the hospital a total of five nights and six days. I, too, was in ICU the first night after surgery, as all patients are at my hospital. I am glad that I had a longer stay. I would have been afraid to go home too soon. Good luck to you. ~Kristy (lap rny 9/18/03 - 320/258/168)
   — kristynush

January 5, 2004
I hjad my surgery on Wed AM and went home Thursday afternoon. I am 45. The Dr gave me the option of staying an extra day, I chose not to.
   — M B.

January 5, 2004
I was operated on around 11 am Friday and released Monday morning. I probably could have gone home Sunday had there not been a snafu and my leak test wasn't scheduled until Sunday. Then they wanted to make sure I did ok with the Carnation Instant Breakfast, until that point I couldn't drink or eat. Nowadays my doctor does the leak test during surgery. I don't think your age will directly affect your hospital stay. As long as your vitals are ok and everything seems to be in working order, you'll probably be back home in two days.
   — sandsonik

January 5, 2004
I went in on Wed. morning and got out on Sat. afternoon. Was to be discharged that am but the nurse gave me a oxycotin and that made me sick and the dr. kept till the pm. My dr. makes you stay that long no matter what because he said that if something goes wrong it will the first few days. I had no complications at all with surgery and mine was only 1 hour and 20 min. long.
   — stacy A.

January 5, 2004
I had surgery on a thursday and was discharged on friday-I felt bad but was doable. no complications. Not easy but tolerable. Love, Carla
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 5, 2004
I am 65 and surgery Monday morning at 7 and released from hospital at noon on Wednewday with no problems. Good Luck!!
   — john59501

January 5, 2004
I had Lap-Rny on a Thursday at 3pm and went home Friday at I guess about 29 hours after surgery I went home. I was ready!
   — Kimberly S.

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