Anyone have tubal ligation in past and worried about pregnancy?

I had a tubal ligation 7 yrs ago and had been taking BC pills for period regulation. I had WLS on Oct 16th and had a normal period in Oct & Nov. I am not able to restart the BC pills until at least 12 weeks post op. Needless to say, I haven't had a period this month yet. I am worried of course. Has anyone had a similar situation?    — Heather W. (posted on December 25, 2003)

December 25, 2003
I almost DID faint when I saw this question!!! I had a tubal in March of 85 and got pregnant in August of 85, ended up miscarrying. Then had another tubal in October 85. Please tell me I do not have to worry about getting pregnant NOW?!?!?! I had RNY in Feb of 03, down 82 lbs and feeling great!
   — jpwork00

December 25, 2003
Tubal ligation is a *sterilization* procedure. That means it makes you unable to become pregnant. In rare cases, the tubes mey find their way back together, and a pregnancy can occur, but this is very rare. Do you have some reason to think this has occurred?<p> Skipping a period during this time is *not* unusual . . . your body thinks it is starving (it is!), and normal functions may be suspended. This is the same reason your hair will start falling out. <p> Anorexics often do not have periods for years at time. Their bodies know that they are not capable or equipped to bear children, so shut down. <p> If you're *really* worried, get a test, but you're prolly safe, as a result of the tubal. And if you're really concerned about the effectiveness of the tubal, maybe you should consider a hysterectomy. Having had an operation, and then continuing to take BC pills is fairly bogus . . . why not just get the operation that will take care of both problems? With a hys, you can get rid of the periods, and never have to worry about pregnancy again. And it can be done w/o an external incision in many cases. <p> No periods, no worries . . .
   — RWH G.

December 26, 2003
I had a tubal ligation when I was 23 and now i am 28. I have never been on BC since and I had RNY on November 24th. I am not at all worried about getting pregnant ever again. I only had the clips places on my tubes but I still don't think I have a real chance of getting pregnant.
   — KittyKatt

December 26, 2003
I'm not sure I understand the question. How would WLS reverse a tubal ligation? That can't happen, and the operation is much higher up in your body. It is true that we get more fertile with weight loss and that birth control pills aren't absorbed as well but since you had the ligation AND are on birth control, I can't see how you'd have anything to worry about if the ligation was done right!
   — sandsonik

December 27, 2003
Its really hard to say. A good friend of mine had her tubal done 8 yrs ago, had wls 2 yrs ago and is due anyday for twin girls.Not saying her wls had any effect but something did lol.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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