What labs should I have done at 1 year post-op?

I'm 1 year+ post-op and my surgeon has non-existent after care. I've never had any labs done. I'm seeing my PCP next week for a routine exam, and plan on asking for some lab work. What should I have checked? Thanks!    — Angie M. (posted on December 15, 2003)

December 15, 2003
I had my one year labs last week and my surgeon ordered: (1) comprehensive metabolic pane; (2) cbc with differential (3)iron (4) folate (5)vit. B12. Mine were all fine. My protein was right on target and i was worried about that. calcuim normal but a little in the low normal range. I am happy anyway. Good luck
   — Delores S.

December 15, 2003
Angie, just a word of caution about getting regular lab work done. New post-ops should insist on lab work done at least twice during the first year (other physicians order them as frequently as every 3 months). After 1 year, I'd suggest labs at 18 mo, 2 years and then once a year after that. Your PCP (or surgeon) should be doing a comparison between the tests to see what is normal for you. Its also a way for you to track your levels too. Also if you haven't had a bone scan done yet, get one now. All pre-ops should get one done right before surgery to use as a baseline. And get one a year for hereafter. A bone scan (dexascan) is the only way to know for sure if calcium is being absorbed into your system. Your PCP should compare your future scans against the original one. The regular blood test is not a good indicator of this measure.
   — Cindy R.

December 15, 2003
I have the works I get (CBC) complete blood count, (CMP) complete metabolic profile,lytes (potassium, magnesium,sodium, chloride, Lipids, and HbA1c (type 2 diabetes) these test are very costly and so far my insurance has covered them all. In 6 months I will probably only have lytes,and HbA1c. I dont know your age but I would suggest a pap and a mamogram if your old enough also. Enjoy the ride :0)
   — wizz46

December 15, 2003
Everyone here had great suggestions, I would like to add that I believe you should have a liver panel and total lipids. Also a T4 and free thyroid. These are tests that should be done yearly on any adult.
   — Jennifer L.

December 27, 2003
See? This is the problem I have with WLS. Most docs are good about the follow-up but, there ARE those that are not and for the people who have been bamboozled into getting the surgery done by these docs, their life can be on the line without proper follow-ups and bloodwork. As you all know, I am not anti-WLS but....I have consistantly told people to research beforehand, talk to patients and then research some more before going ahead with this surgery. My WLS doc was really quite non-caring about problems that occurred for me. He poo-pooed them away basically. I had to find specialists before I knew what was wrong with me post WLS. the doc I went to is now retired. That makes me ask...."who are all his patients seeing now"? The docs that took over his practice are all leaving and no one in that practice even does the BPD/DS anymore. Makes one wonder why. What happens to all those patients who may have future problems? Of course, they will have to spend thousands like I did hoping to find a doc with an answer because most docs do NOT know much about the BPD/DS. I would really really want to find a doc that is familiar with the RNY if I were you. You should have had bloodwork done long before this if for nothing else but comparisons' sake. My prayers and best wishes go with this note to you. Barb
   — Barbara H.

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