What could this be?

I am almost 6 weeks out and have lost 42lbs :-) I had my gallbladder removed when I had my open rny, so I know that can not be the culprit. But, I am having unexplainable pain about 5 inches down from my breastbone on my right side (not on the incision line...about 3 inches from). It doesn't bother me if I am sitting or laying down, but when I stand up or go to sit down...I have a sharp stabbing pain that sometimes doubles me over. I noticed the pain about two weeks ago and ignored it because it wasn't that bad...But, now it is really becoming painful. I haven't noticed any bulges or anything like that, but the whole area is getting tender to touch. I am not experiencing nausea with this, but I have been having low grade fevers basically every other night. If anyone has any ideas of what this could be...please let me know. Thank you for any responses.    — Schtina J. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 19, 2003
Since you are not very far out from having your surgery I would definitely call your surgeon's office and let them know what is going on, I would rather be told that its nothing to worry about than to wait and have it be something that could have been taken care of had you called sooner
   — Debbie M.

October 19, 2003
If you had just decribed the pain I would say its 'tissue healing' I had sharp pains tooo around that time, ran to the doctor and he said it was normal healing.. And it did go away about 2 weeks. BUT with you saying you are running a fever... THAT I would have checked out!!
   — star .

October 20, 2003
A woman at our support group meeting had an interesting story several months ago. She too was experiencing pain that she thought could not be gall bladder related since it had been removed. Weell, it turned out to be related due to the fact of where the bile is now stored/produced. I can't remember exactly what she had done, but I would mention it or ask your Dr. if there could be related pain after a gall bladder removal. Sorry I can't remember the details. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

October 20, 2003
You should call your doctor about your symptoms. Fever is a sign of infection. Also after the galbladder is removed there is a chance of still getting stones in the bile duct. After surgery there are sometimes adhesions formed that cause pain too. Definitely call your doctor today. Good luck, Cathy
   — catleth

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