Can anyone help with a diet history

I have my first consult scheduled with surgeon in gainesville, fl on jan 20,2004 and i already know that one requirement of my insurance (unitedhealtcare of fl) requires a 6month diet history. I have never documented any diet i have been on. I was wondering if anyone that has been approved for WLS may have any samples of diet histories.    — Robin M. (posted on October 6, 2003)

October 5, 2003
I am fortunate enough to have a PCP who for about 10 years saw me struggle with weight loss. However, only once did he prescribe any weight loss medications (Phentermine). When my ins. co. asked for a weight loss history, he really had nothing documented, but wrote a letter explaining that he knew that I had tried many diets over the last 10 years. (He asked me what I had tried, and I told him WW, Jenny Craig, SlimFast, etc.) That letter was acceptable to my ins. co. (BCBS). Hope this helps. Good luck.
   — ttilles

October 5, 2003
My insurance required the same thing and I was in the same position you find yourself in. What I did was contact every Dr I saw in the last three years, and ask their office staff to pull my chart and give me the date of visit and weight. Even if you go to the Dr for a sore throat, they always weigh you first! What I ended up with was a plausible "diet history" and then proceeded to fill in the "blanks" with my own numbers from memory or notations on my office calendar. I then gave this to my PCP, who included it in her letter of medical necessity to the insurance company. Worked like a charm! Good luck.
   — Nannette

October 6, 2003
Robin, I didn't have alot of doctor supervised diets, and the ones I did have I don't always remember the doctors names (it has been so long ago), but I did make a chart of everything I could remember, if you want to check mine out here is a link to my weightloss history chart Hope this helps, good luck!! Lisa (lap/rny 10-23-03)
   — Lisa H.

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