Has anyone been denied surgery because of a borderline EKG?

I am in the process of completeing all my preop appointments and I had my EKG done and it can back as Borderline EKG and it also said Possible Left Atrial Enlargement. Oh, I failed to mention before, I just had an EKG 11 months ago and that one came back normal. Does anyone know what this actually means and will it cause my surgery date to be pushed back for additional testing?    — KittyKatt (posted on September 27, 2003)

September 28, 2003
I have congestive heart failure with an ejection fraction of 25%, which is very low. In laymans terms half of my heart does not work. My surgeon knows of my heart problems and I am having my surgery oct 1. I am very high risk and after surgery I will go to ICU to monitor my heart. You probably can have surgery, but it is your surgeons choice. if your surgeon feels you wont survive the operation he will not operate. Be cooperative with whatever additional tests the surgeon will require. I was not sure I woud have surgery until last thursday. I had a lot of tests. I tested positive for the pylori bacteria and have to take 14 days of antibiotics. My echocardigram showed my heart is very weak. Be patient and persistent and I think you will be ok. Many other people with all kind of heart problems have had successful surgeries
   — bransonboy

September 28, 2003
An echocardiogram can measure the atrium to see if there is in fact an enlargement. If the valves are all functioning and there is no major regurgitation and the pump function is within normal limits, then they will clear you for surgery. You can pretty much tell by the way you feel, if you are not experiencing any shortness of breath, fatigue or pain. As in the previous poster, a high functioning cardiac patient usually gets cleared after they are sure there is no risk of coronary artery disease. A main concern is tht you do not have a heart attack during surgery,
   — Sue A.

September 29, 2003
I have same problems plus some (irregular heartbeat w/sudden death syndrome - hereditary). I am having surgery OCtober 13th. I have several tests including a heart cath and got clearance by 3 cardiologists. They all were enthusiastic about the open RNY and believe the risks far outweigh any concerns or possible complications. Get a good work up and follow your docs advice. Best of Luck to you! HUGS, HUGS and more HUGS!
   — Deborah F.

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