Is vomitting mucus balls a sign?

For a few months, sporadically, I have been getting ill after eating some meals. Ususally all that ejects is a ball of mucus. It is larger than any phlegm hacking that normal people might eject. And sometimes I have to eject 3 or 4 after eating. It is not after every meal and sometimes I am sick ot the point where I also lose my food. What is going on? I suspect a stricture, I am waiting to hear more from the surgeon, he was happy to write a prescription, but never gave word on what causes all this mucous. I think it is an allergic reaction or yes, a healing reaction to surgery. Also I am now anemic. :(    — Jenny_B (posted on June 21, 2003)

June 21, 2003
Hi, I too vomit clear to milky colored mucus but it's only when I eat too fast at the beginning of my meal. It ruins my whole meal because after doing that, I still can't eat. I feel like something is stuck in my esophegus (sp) until I go vomit this stuff up. It's good that you went to your doc about this because it could be something more that good getting stuck. Good luck.
   — Kim J.

June 21, 2003
I do that when I eat too fast. I started timing myself 2 minutes between bites and that helped. Very terrible feeling. Good luck. Jamie
   — Jamie M.

June 21, 2003
Hi...the top of your stomach secretes this mucus to help with digestion of food when you eat..when us posties eat too fast or too much, this is usually what we bring up first.
   — lily1968

June 21, 2003
I have been doing that too. I have been diagnosed with esophegial ulcers. Check with your doc. It may be nothing but better safe than sorry.
   — Oldsoul

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