What would make my cholesterol suddenly increase?

I am 22 months post-op and my cholesterol has steadily decreased since surgery. The recent labs suddenly show an increase of 25 points for no apparent reason. My tryclerides also went well ( I was fasting). My TSH had also jumped higher. Could the two be related? I've been on Levoxyl .75 mcg.    — LLinderman (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 2, 2003
Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that my cholesterol was terrible when my thyroid was not under control with my medication! As soon as my doctor increased my dosage, and re-checked my cholesterol, it was within normal range9 it came down about 75 points!!). I dont know if this is true for everyone, but it was surely realted for me! Hope this helps!!
   — kmoran02

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