Did anyone have a hard time with prozac being effective after Surgery?

I am 6 months out and have been on prozac 40mg since 1997. For the past 3 weeks I have been so jumpy, easily set off, grouchy, and very critical of people. Does the pouch still absorb the anti depresant like it once did or does this change. Has anyone ever had to take the antidepresant more frequently daily?    — Rosalyn R. (posted on April 20, 2003)

April 20, 2003
Are you taking the time release capsules, sometimes they do not absorb well. There is a generic form that comes in small pill for. Also, your dosage needs may have change. Please discuss this with your doc.
   — faybay

April 20, 2003
i have to tell you i just recently learned that those are the symptoms to TO MUCH prozac in your system. I to have been on antideppressants for about 3 years and just recently had to up my dose of prozac because of break through panic. I never thought about the mal absorption process as much as i realized "hey, these arent working". So i went from 20 to 40 mg a day and im doing great again. Have you shared this information with your family physician or whoever is prescribing them for you? You should not be having the discomfort you are experiencing. And a word of caution from experience, be soooooooooooooo careful with paxil. It packed the weight on me horribly and while it is a wonderful drug that helped so much in controlling the anxiety and made me huge! So now im like, no way, never taking it again. But definitely check with your doc about whats going on. God Bless Darlene
   — darlene N.

April 20, 2003
I'm about 9 weeks post op and take prozac. I had my dr write me a RX for the liquid. You can also get the liquid in generic. So far, so good.
   — Bethy413

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