Extortion by shrink! Long question.....

Hi, all! I had my psych evaluation in latter October of 2002 and my psychologist still hasn't completed the evaluation to submit for my surgeon's office. What's worse is that she insists that I go to to her bi-monthly support group for 15 bucks a pop. Each week she says she's working on my evaluation, but no progress seems to be happening. The support groups are not helpful to me and are at a time that I have to miss work - without pay. It seems to me and every other pre-op that she's extorting us by insisting we go to her group therapy while stringing us along about our evaluations. Another pre-op had her evaluation in August and the shrink hasn't finished that one yet either! The surgeon's office told me that there's nothing they can do to speed her up. Do I have any recourse? Switching psychologists will be expensive and take forever to get an appointment - any suggestions to light the fire under her butt??? Thanks for your help! Rhonda    — Rhonda J. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 22, 2003
STAND BACK!!! PLEASE LET ME POST TO THIS ALL TOO WELL KNOWN SUBJECT. RHONDA DEAR GIRL... My PhD told me that I should consider buying Dr. Phil's book to see what his outlook was on overeating...! I went through "h-e-double hockey sticks" to get the eval complete. He kept asking me to come back that we were not finished with this or that session (each time a co-pay of 30.00 had to be paid). After going back the third time I got firm (he called it defensive). Then I had to harrass him and his secretary for three weeks to get him to get the report typed and another week for him to go over it and fax it. But I called him every day and asked. During this time I called the bariatric secretary for Peoria Surgical Group (Peoria Illinois) and she told me I could pay out of pocket for a second opinion. That is exactly what I would do if I were you. I would call the surgeons office and tell them you are being taken by this woman and ask them for a name of a PhD or ask someone on line or find someone in your area. It might cost 150.00 - 200.00 but at this point, it would be worth it. First, I would harass the H..L out of this woman though. Good Luck. Let me know if you need anything girl!!!
   — Marcy G.

January 22, 2003
I'd have changed in November... but that's just me... I think you should go to her boss, if she doesn't have one, then I'd go to someone else... it's worth it to get the ball rolling...
   — MF

January 22, 2003
I am a counselor, and this sort of activity sounds pretty unethical to me. I recommend you request a copy of the code of ethics under which your psychologist practices, as well as a run-down on her credentials. Request this directly from her. If this doesn't motivate her to finish your evaluation, contact the board under which she is licensed and let them know what's up. They'll be able to give you some direction and assist you in filing a grievance, if necessary. This sort of behavior from colleagues infuriates me-and gives us all a bad name. Good luck, and remember the squeaky wheel does indeed get the grease!
   — Jane D.

January 22, 2003
Rhonda, that seems so monster bizzaro! I had my Psch Consult on 01/18/03 and my doctor prepared his report and faxed the results to my surgeons office the same day. My surgeons office called on 01/20/03 to tell me they received it and it was in my file.(to my surprise, of course) I suggest going to the office every chance you get and calling everyday. Just having to deal with you on a daily basis in some form or fashion will light a fire under someone in that offices butt causing them to TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS! Best Wishes-Steph P.
   — Steph P.

January 22, 2003
Rhonda, please go with Jane Doe's suggestion. Go right to the State Licensing Board. Don't even bother trying to get the report out of this one anymore, just report her. I had to report my health insurance company to the State Dept. of Insurance, and they were more than happy to help me out. Meanwhile, try to get an appointment with someone else. Unfortunately, you'll probably have to eat the extra fees, but explain the problems you've been having, and see if they're willing to expedite things a little. Best recommendation is from someone in your surgeon's support group, if he has one. Good luck, and if you do report her, please let us know how it goes. This really could help others in similar situations.
   — Leslie F.

January 22, 2003
small claims court. Gat your money back for not producing the product you paid for. People have to take a stand with htese psychologists. I see this same thing on the q&A board WAY too much. Also report ot he the state liscencing as another person wrote.
   — Vicki L.

January 23, 2003
When I had my Psy. eval, the dude tried to convince me to continue going to him for therapy. I called my insurance and complained to them that he wanted to continue treatment and I only wanted the evaluation paper. I did go back a second time and firmly told him that my insurance would not pay for any more sessions. I told him I needed that evaluation letter NOW! It still took him 2 weeks to finish it and I had to call a couple of times to get them to do it. He was none too nice on the evaluation but at the end of it, did give his approval. Duh! During the first session, he commended me on taking a step to getting healthy while I was still fairly young and blah, blah, blah. In his evaluation, he stated personal things that I'd told him about past divorces, etc. I didn't like that. But, I got the letter finally. Just be firm and don't let them get by with anything less. Call your insurance and have them call the counselor. They are the ones requiring the letter, so they should help you get it. I would not pay one more cent, go to any additional sessions, or groups. You went for a quick evaluation letter, not therapy.
   — mbradley35

January 23, 2003
I had this very same problem...the shrink even offered me a "free piece of counseling"...that I "need to work on becoming a more patient person". Maybe I should, but there was no excuse for his excessively long delay! But one day I left him a voicemail (he never, ever answered his phone). Just said that his "delay" was adversly affecting my health. That his was the only evaluation left to be turned in and therefore, he was holding up my progression to better health, since we (me and my dr.) were waiting on him. Something must have struck a cord, because he faxed it in that very day. Good luck!
   — Amy W.

January 23, 2003
If you have nothing to lose; if I were you- I would print out these comments and fax them to your Psych. I think once she sees that we all think her requirements are "unethical"- she may see reason. It would be easy for her to try and pidgeon hole you with some ridiculous tag (has issues, or is defensive) if you were battling her alone. But if she perhaps hears it from others, others who agree with YOU- she may reconsider her delay tactics. This may not work, as I personally feel the people who need Psych care the most are Psychs themselves, but it's worth a try. Anyhow, good luck!
   — Karen R.

January 24, 2003
Hello everyone, first I want to say that this is a horrible practice done by some physicians. I would do everything that everyone has reported at this posting to get a copy of it. Or I would just call and ask for a copy of the test that you took since his/her recommendation was taking so long. (My test only took two weeks to get back from wherever it's sent to be graded.) If your test comes back normal I wouldn't see why you would need his/her blessing for the surgery. I would see if your Dr. would take a copy of the test "as is." Or I would take it to another therapist and have them write a recommendation letter. No need for you to retake the test since it's already in hand. I have found that most Psychologist recommended by my insurance Co. wouldn't give me the test if I wasn't going to be a steady patient with them. My insurance company only authorized 4 visits for this evaluation. PS. And I would post that Dr.'s name here so everyone could be aware of his/her practices.
   — Heather S.

June 25, 2004
My eval took 30 minutes and the letter was done by the time I got home. The entire process from when I selected my surgeon to cut day was two weeks through cori centers. I'm sure you are through the process by now and I hope things are going well. For those of you getting whacked by a psych just tell them no on the extra session and now on the letter.
   — kevphill

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