I had surgery in 1985 in 1988 I developed a gangrenous bowel I ended up having a

resection at the junction of the small and large intestine. In 1994 they took my tubes and ovaries out I had so many adhesions they were unsure they removed all my ovaries The closer I get to my visits for all the preop the more nervous I get thinking they are going to say we will not do it due to the bowel surgery and your massive adhesions PLEASE HELP I am so scared!    — andrearnc (posted on January 2, 2003)

January 1, 2003
If the bowell surgery was on you large intestine then both should be lower than the RNY. You might need to shop around for a surgeon but certinally it CAN be done. My surgeon specializes in tougher cases and does them LAP nearly all of the time. Dont worry, you can find a surgeon.:)
   — bob-haller

January 2, 2003
Sorry what I meant to say is that that location its fairly low and certinally possible. You MAY still be able to get t Lap, and you might have to shop for a surgeon but my doc does these sorts opf thinga all the time. Dont worry.
   — bob-haller

January 2, 2003
Hi, I had a bowel resection and lots of adhesions (they are back)in Feb,2002. I am having open rny January 30th. I have been told, I am at a 3% higher risk for death and complications.
   — Delores S.

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