I have a head cold and am supposed to have surgery on Tuesday?

Hi, I'm so excited that my "day" is finally here. I have been waiting since March for my "day". I am scheduled for open RNY on this Tuesday, Nov. 12. However, my biggest fear has somehow came true. It seems that over the last day or two I have come down with a head cold. I have stuffy nose and did have little sore throat but that seems to have gone away. I'm so scared that they won't let me have surgery on Tuesday. Does anyone know if this will stop me from having surgery or not. I am NOT running a fever and when I blow my nose it's all clear and NOT green. I'm sure I'm just stuffed up, but I sound nasally. I am so bummed right now. I am taking vitamins and my Allegra trying to clear it up, but I don't know. Please help!    — Lori F. (posted on November 9, 2002)

November 9, 2002
I had something similar happen to me. I had a BAD chest cold and called off my surgery after waiting 6 months. They put me in a hold que and I went in for surgery about 5 weeks later. For the second surgery date I too got a cold. I super dosed on Vitamin C and drank a LOT of liquids (check with your doc on this). i didn't have a fever and I too had a slight sniffle. my doc said "no problem" and everything went great!!! Keep up the positive spirit and you will do great too! Good luck, and god bless. Don
   — Don A.

November 9, 2002
My question to you is...are you coughing? Coughing after surgery to make sure your lungs stay clear is painful enough, I can't imagine having a cold/cough, that would hurt like a big dog! Just listen to your doctor's advice, hope all goes well!
   — Cheryl T.

November 9, 2002
lori i had my surgery on 9-16-02. i had a head cold when i went in. they still did surgery so you should be ok. if you get a cough at all, they will probably cancel surgery for your own good. coughing after having open rny does hurt. load up on orange juice and lots of vitamin c. i did that and it really helped. best wishes to you on a speedy recovery
   — Monica T.

November 9, 2002
I was so scared of getting a cold. I went to my allergist the other day, and his nurse was telling me about the ragweed sniffles going around. I was told during the pre-op interview to let them know if I had a sore throat. I know your surgery is right around the corner, but in a few more days, and the entire cold should be gone. I had a friend that thought she was getting over a cold. Doctor said she was good to go, she did very well. You will be so checked out before surgery... By the way, Good Luck on Tuesday!
   — Tricia J.

November 9, 2002
I just had surgery on Tuesday, Nov 5 and I was getting over bronchtis. I too was a little stuffy but my surgeon was not worried (I was). About two days after surgery I did start to cough a little which was painful. I pillow over your belly helps a lot. But I need to get that crap out of my lungs. So I do not think you will have a problem.
   — Kelly T.

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