Help! I cannot stop crying! I feel so depressed. My surgery was 9/26 and

everything went well. What is the matter with me?    — Stephanie S. (posted on October 5, 2002)

October 5, 2002
Its the quick release of hormones due to rapid weight loss. Many of the post-ops go thru a period of depression/crying that can last a few weeks or a few months. Some go to their docs and get some meds to help them thru. It will pass..
   — Cindy R.

October 5, 2002
It's your hormones out of whack from the shock to your body. Just like a pregnant woman will cry for no reason. It will get better trust me. I am 4 1/2 months post op and the happiest I have ever been now. Check out my profile
   — Linda A.

October 5, 2002
For about two weeks after my surgery, I would go into the bathroom, lock the door, and sit there and cry like a baby. I couldn't believe I had actually done this surgery to myself and I was terribly depressed I couldnt go get a bag of cookies or cheese puffs to make myself feel better. It does get better though. Each day that goes by...I feel better! This was a major operation and your body as well as your emotions have been turned inside out. You gotta give yourself time to heal both physically and mentally. I still have my bad days where I get depressed and sad. If you are prone to depression before surgery, I would check with your doctor about some anti depressents. What is causing your depression could be many number of things,and you are the only one who can say. Nothing is the matter with you. I felt guilty becuase I was so depressed, yet I got exactly what I had begged for, for over 6 months! You will do ok, just take it easy, dont be too hard on yourself and ask your doctor for help if it continues! Good Luck! (open RNY 7/23/02 -60 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

October 5, 2002
Hi! We had surgery on the same day! My parents took me to their house to recover afterwards and I ended up crying and begging to go home. They were taking good care of me. I just wanted to be at home and I had a full blown crying fit! Since then, I have gotten very frustrated when I can't sleep through the night or about the fact that Taco Bell just came out with a new cheese quesildila that I can't eat, etc. etc. I think my biggest problem right now is that I have always used food to cope with emotions and I can't do that anymore! My surgeons said to expect to be emotional post-op. If it's uncontrolled crying/depression for apparently little or no reason, I guess it will pass with time as we adjust to our new bodies. If it's really bad, I know a lot of post-ops get anti-depressant meds. But for the long term of learning how to adjust to a life where I can't use to food to cope, I am seriously looking into a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Email me if you'd like to talk further! Hang in there! Someday soon we will be jumping for joy that we had this done!
   — ediecat

October 5, 2002
Hi, don't be too hard on yourself. It is very common for anyone who has any type of major surgery to battle depression and to cry at the drop of a hat. If it is bothersome to you, the other posters are right...just ask your doctor if an anti-depressant is the way to go. Another thing that I have learned in life is that we grieve the loss of anything or anyone, just as we grieve the loss of a relationship with a friend we can grieve the loss of our relationship with food. It may sound whacky, but it can be true with any type of loss or change in our lives. Good luck!!
   — Tracey W.

October 5, 2002
I know exactly how you feel. I had surgery 8-17 and up until a week ago have been severely depressed and having anxiety attacks. Don't worry though, this is a common thing! You've just had MAJOR life-altering surgery and that screws with you. What i've found is helpful is to take deep breaths whenever I feel it start to come on. My doctor also suggested talking to a psychiatrist temporarily who specializes in people going through rehab. Your insurance should be able to find someone who does this. You may need to take medication for a little while, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. If you need any help or want to talk about it, please feel free to email me. Good luck and i promise you things will get better!!
   — Carolyn K.

October 5, 2002
Hey there fellow blubberer I have been off and on a real emotional mess My surgery was 9/20 and There have been a few days that I could not even expect what would make me cry. one time my family was eating dinner that smelled and looked so good and they were all eating around me and then a taco bell commercial came on with something that I forgot to eat during my pre surgery pigout and them my roommate wanted to talk to me about the commercial I cried for three hours all of my senses were invoked except taste and boy howdy that was enough for me. Then a few days after that I was watching a football game of a friend of mines son and he got hurt and all I could think about was how scared she must be and could not quit crying. Light at the end of the tunner I talked to my Dr about it and he said it is perfectly normal and should subside. Good Luck!!!!!
   — Peggy A.

October 6, 2002
OHMIGOD--I was just sitting here telling my parents that I am doing the same moment I'm fine, the next I'm crying over the way the toilet paper is hung in the bathroom....let's face it: we've really put our bodies through some hell. Also, my nurses told me that when you're all opened up, your surgeon may lift out anything and fondle it (okay, that's me talking there) to check for any other abnormalities. so that includes your ovaries--and I started my period about 48 hours after surgery, as did my hospital roommate. So it's no wonder we're all a damp sobbing mess! Keep telling yourself: in thirty days, I won't be like this anymore. My surgery was 9-25--where did you have yours done?
   — Carla C.

October 6, 2002
hang in there sweety, you are not alone. alot of us posties go through the same exact thing. i think its the major undertaking of the surgery itself and the wacky thing it does to our hormones and the fact that during weight loss estrogen levels go haywire. i had open rny feb 8 02,my emotions are not as crazed as they were before but even still there are times when i cry at the drop of a pin and its not just at sad or bad things, its at all the happy things and all that. i have such a deeper appreciation for life and all its beauty now that i just cry at that. i look at myself and all the channges i see and feel and i cry at that too! but they are happy tears :) stock up on the puffs girl! hehe;) hsng in there !
   — carrie M.

October 7, 2002
This happened to me after my Breast Reduction in 93, my WLS in 00 and my Gallbladder removal in 01- I figure it is the lasting affects of anesthesia. Not a lot you can do, try and keeping moving, drink lots of liquids and cry if you must. At least know this, you are NOT crazy, and what you are expiriencing is normal.
   — Karen R.

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