Anyone had the surgery who is under 200 lbs

I'm 4'9 1/2 and weigh 185. When I calculate my BMI at 4'9 its 40 and at 4'10 its 39. I wanted to know if anyone has had surgery that is under 5' tall. The only comorbity that I have is sleap apnea (but this has not been diagnosed by a doctor). What do you think my chances are of being approved for surgery?    — mac1266 (posted on April 8, 2002)

April 8, 2002
I am 4'10 and I weight 220 and BMI is 47. I know that my DR told me that I would not be considered for surgery if I was less than 100lb over weight. According to the chart that they use in the DR office my weight should be 110-117lb so with me being 220 I am just about 103lbs over. my highest weight was 234 but I took Meridia and lost 18lbs but had to get off of it because of my high blood pressure. Ask your DR if you have to be 100lb over for insurance to cover because my insurance will not cover if your not 100lbs over and have co-morbities. If not ask your Dr about Meridia or Xenical. They have a lot of weight lost pill that do work but the only problem with pills is the yo-yo diet thing....Good luck
   — Lovett

April 8, 2002
If you suspect sleep apnea, have a sleep study done. Most criteria say 100lbs overweight OR bmi of 40 OR bmi of 35 with a major comorbidity. If you indeed do have sleep apnea, then that may qualify you for surgery.
   — Dell H.

April 9, 2002
You are really a "shorty" ha ha!!! I am 4'11" and I qualified for the surgery weighing 190. Because of my height, and BMI I was considered MO. I had a lot of co-morbids that helped. I am almost 4 months out and weigh 165, I am actually getting scared of dropping down around 100#. My surgeon and I agreed to 120-125. I am not too far from that. By July/August I should be at 120 or so..... I hope I can stay there and not get too skinny and look like I have aids!!!! You will qualify w/ a BMI of 35+ and ch-morbids. E mail me if you want.
   — Cindee A.

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