Anyone have their psych try and push medication on them?

I just had my psych eval today and it was the most aggarvating experience! He did not read the information my surgeon faxed to him and didnt even know why I was there. He also then said to me "you do realize this surgery doesnt work, dont you?" What nerve! And all he did was try and PUSH medication on me. Wanted to change my anti-dep to one that he thinks causes weight loss (HA! I already tried that!). Anyone else experience this? I couldnt go to my surgeon's group because they dont take my insurnace. Also, anyone ever report something like this to their insurance company who refered them? Thanks guys!    — emilyfink (posted on April 3, 2002)

April 3, 2002
I'm lucky that my psych (who has known me for... about 8 years or so) has always been very respectful in allowing me to refuse to change medications or to go on them in the first place. This psych you mentioned just sounds like a close-minded, money-grubbin' jerk (which is honestly pretty odd for a psychologist from my experience). He also seems pretty lazy if he didn't even do his homework before you went there. I'd see if you can get a referral to another psych, and it wouldn't hurt to mention this to the insurance company. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I really don't believe that this is how the majority of psychologists are. I hope you get a better one next time and good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 4, 2002
Your insurance company sent you to him knowing you'd probally be turned down. They are not stupid. They don't want you to be approved so they can save money. My insurance company pulled the same thing on me.
   — Danmark

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