Should I just give up???

I am now into my 8th month post op and have tried most things that people have posted in answer to my questions on lack of weight loss and plateau's. I have not lost any weight in 4 months, upped my protein, liquids, used etc. Somedays I feel I can eat more than others, sometimes a few bites and I am full. Most mornings I can't even finish my 6oz protein shake... Lately depression has been kicking my butt, I look in the mirror and I am the same week after week. I have not exercised that much, neither have a lot of people in my group but they are losing fine... Now I am anxious every morning I wake up, I feel like a failure and crave carbs all day long, have no energy and basically am tired of trying to figure out how to "diet" to lose more weight... At least on a diet I could at least lose, now I am just stuck and listening to all the wonderful success stories, am I just one of the unlucky ones or if I start exercising like a maniac would I lose still????    — Mandy M. (posted on March 12, 2002)

March 11, 2002
Mandy, I am sorry that you are depressed. Have you talked with your doctor about it? Exercising speeds up your metabolism so it definately couldn't hurt. Just make yourself take an evening stroll about a mile or so and daily pick up the pace a bit till you are at a brisk walk. You don't have to do all the gym type or strenous workouts to exercise. I wish you the best of luck, and remember you have several more months before your window is closed so don't be discouraged.GOOD LUCK!
   — Lynda T.

March 11, 2002
Dear Mandy, You are not alone there dear, but I will tell you this, I am 9 months postop as of yesterday, it was my 9 month anniversary. I havent lost a pound in about 2 months. BUT, I did start a exercise routine, with about 100 situps, legups, and working with some small weights for my arms. The one thing that has kept me going is that I have went down two sizes and not lost a darn pound.I have been trying to get to the 170 mark for what seems forever, and I like you have tried it all, tried to cut out carbs, increased liquids, and all that. Not to mention that until January I havent had any kind of plateu to speak of. So its been discouraging at times, but every morning after I send my daughter to school, I make myself exercise. I know its not alot, only about 20 minutes worth, but I really know that right now its what is making a difference. I might note that I have never liked exercise alot, and I didnt start any work out until January. I did walk a little at first, but it got cold in Ohio and I just couldnt stand to make myself go out and walk, So thats when I decided to start my own little workout. Keep measuring yourself, and it takes awhile to see any progress, but you will in the end. My goal was to get to 150, and I may get there or I may not, but as long as Im still losing inches, well I can live with the 174 that I am at. Good Luck and try not to get discouraged, I think each of us are different,and we will get there soon enough *smiles*. If you need to talk dont hesitate to get ahold of me...
   — Ann A.

March 11, 2002
I can sense your frustration, and I wish I had some easy answers. Some people lose quickly and have a long "window of opportunity." Others lose more slowly and not as much. So much depends on your metabolism, age, starting weight, etc. I am currently 1 year post-op. I started at 407 lbs. and am down to 240. Is 240 skinny? I don't think so, but it's a hell of a lot better than 407, and all my co-morbidities have totally disappeared. I'm tall, so I'm out of the "morbidly obese" category and look forward to a long, healthy life. Remember: we didn't do this to get skinny. We did it to save our lives. As you continue to exercise and eat healthy, try not to focus on the scale so much. Focus more on how you feel. Are you becoming more fit? Can you do more cardio now than you could last week? Do your clothes fit better? Eventually, I bet your body will give up the battle and start losing again. I had a three-month plateau and then suddenly dropped 10 lbs. in a month ... and this is after I thought I would lose another ounce! Our bodies are funny, unpredictable things. Just keep doing your best, and let your body do what it's going to do. Good luck to you!
   — Terissa R.

March 11, 2002
Oh sweet Mandy, I feel so bad for you. If I were you I might talk to my doctor about getting on an antidepression medicine if you are not on one. I take wellbutrin and it sure does help me with my problem (my husband). I am sure you are not finished with your weight loss. The main thing is to keep your sanity from here on. I will pray for you right now that God will strenghten you and expedite your weight loss!
   — MARSHA D.

March 11, 2002
Mandy I too was on a platuea for a month and half. I found that even though I was exercising each day since surgery (missing maybe one day a week) and drinking at least 60 grams of protein in my protein drink and drinking 2.5 liters of water a day the scale was not moving. Iam on my way to 7 months post op surgery August 21, 2001 started at 280 now 204. The doctor at my appointment on Friday told me that I am getting in fat and high calorie foods and condiments in my diet. sour creams, butters, salad dressings. He had me get a book called food counts by Connie Nester and to count all the fat grams and calories I am injesting. Found out the little extras like the salad dressing was sabotoging my diet. Try counting your fat grams you shouls stay under 50 a day and you might be surprised at how fast weight comes off. Couldnt hurt right??? Good luck hon and if you need to vent email me at [email protected]. I know what you are going through and would love a buddy to help me through my slow weight loss too. But NO don't give up. Never give up on you.
   — Celtic B.

March 11, 2002
Hang in there are not alone! Some people lose quickly and almost effortlessly....some (like us) tend to be slow losers and we have to fight for every pound. The important thing is not to give up (like I did for awhile...) and to keep a positive attitude. Do not compare yourself to others, that will just drive you crazy. Follow your wls eating plan...cut back simple carbs as much as possible. And some of us really do have to do a lot of aerobic exersize to jump start our weight loss. I resisted the very idea of exersize for two years! I lost 140lbs. in 11 months but was still in the mid 200's. I felt like a wls failure and "gave up" for a year...I gained 20lbs. in that year and that terrified me. I went back to my surgeon (something you should do) and we had a great talk. I walked away understanding that I could still lose more weight.. but I would have to exersize (45 mins a day on my treadmill...6 days a week) and adhere to my wls eating plan. I'm so happy to say that I am losing again. Very slowly at about 4 pounds a month. But, I've lost that 20 pounds I regained. I know that I can lose another 40 and reach my personal goal. It might take one might take two. But, I'll make it. By the way...I'll be 4 years post op in May. So, it's never too late.
   — margaret N.

March 11, 2002
Although certainly not experienced with this, were you transected or stapled? Could you have a staple line disruption? I agree that a return trip to your surgeon is in order. Good luck to you and please don't give up. Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 11, 2002
You know what they say about boyfriends? If you are really searching for one, he will never come, but if you get involved in something else, Mr. Perfect is bound to arrive? How about embracing the exercise because it makes you feel good, taking the protein shakes because you know they will make your body strong, and not focusing on the scale for a while? Could work. I would also recommend seeing your doctor for 1) the depression and 2) the carb cravings. Maybe there is some underlying medical cause.
   — PT LawMom

March 12, 2002
Are you getting ENOUGH calories? I would think at this point you should be getting as much of your protein from food as possible. That might help with the hunger and the carb cravings. Remember, if you get too few calories, your body will hang on to every ounce for dear life. It may just be you need to eat a little more.
   — garw

March 12, 2002
Never give up, never surrender! :O Seriously, I hope you're feeling better soon.
   — Anna L.

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