Is there any way to fix a stretched stomach or stoma?

I have followed all post-op guidelines. I have had two endoscopic dilations for narrowed stoma. Now...3 months after the last one, I've found for the last two weeks that I can eat A LOT and not get full. I'm worried that either my pouch has stretched or my stoma is too large. Does anyone know of a way this can be repaired? Is there any non-invasive (ie. opening me totally up again) way that this can be repaired? I have a call into my dr. about getting a UGI, but I'm too afraid to even ask what a repair entails. I don't want to go through surgery again. Thanks. P.S. I was that's not the problem.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 13, 2002)

February 13, 2002
My surgeon said that it is possible to fix a closed stoma, but there was not much hope for a stretched one. That is why he was so carful with mine. I have heard of some surgeons that will consider putting a band around it to narrow it, but I'm not too sure on that one. I wish you the best....... perhaps it is just the type of food you are eating. Mushy and thin food passes through quickly and does not "fill" us up.
   — Phiddy B.

February 13, 2002
I can relate. I also had 2 scope/dilations for stricture. And the second time I was worried that they had made my stoma too big. I was able to eat mushy foods, like yogurt, cream of wheat, without getting full. They would run right through me. So I had to stick to the more solid food so that it would stay in the pouch and fill me up. THEN it started shrinking back again and I thought I was going to have to go for another scope. It stopped at the point to where I could tolerate the mush but not things like ground beef and chicken. After 2 months of being too 'tight' it has opened back up to where I can eat MORE. Of course that concerned me also. What a ride this has been!! I hope this hasn't been confusing. But the point I want to make is this... In the end I was worried that I could eat too much and this wouldn't work for me. Then I realized that many at a few months out start tolerating a little more food and surprised how much they can eat and they worry about that too. So I think maybe I reached a point to where I was NORMAL. Maybe it is that way for you too. Maybe it just seems like a lot because you have dealt with the strictures where you can't eat ANYTHING. If the runny foods do not fill you up, then try to stick with the solids more. If you are eating portions similar to what you ate post-op, then I would be concerned. But my guess is that you are probably at a normal size...just doesn't feel that way. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

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