I have Few Proofs of wgt loss trys. I just gave up 10 yrs ago will i be rejected?

I tried Redux before it was yanked off the market, then Meridia (which did not good). After that Weight Watchers, but you can join that and not got to meetings, which I did not do. I failed at WW. I have a bmi of 44 and need to loose 121 pounds. I am also afraid that my surgeon will reject me because of prior surgerys that he has done.    — ChristineB (posted on January 21, 2002)

January 21, 2002
Hi Christine, No, I don't think you will have a problem because you don't have many weight loss trys. I didn't have any proof of any but the surgeon and insurance accepted my word for it. I did give approximate years, but like you, I had given up years ago and decided to just live with my weight. Not being able to play with my grandchildren or do any of the things I always loved to do changed my mind. On 12/17/01 I had the BPD/DS. I am down approx. 40lbs. and feeling great. Good luck to you! The best thing you can have is a positive attitude.
   — grammie5

January 21, 2002
Not all our diet attempts are medically supervised. Such as these: Weight Watchers, Body-for-Life, Walk-Away-the-Pounds, Metabolife, Slim-Fast, Herbalife, ThermoLift, Starlight International, Jenny Craig, Dexatrim, etc. Get the picture?
   — [Anonymous]

January 21, 2002
I can't imagine anyone is REALLY truly accurate on this stuff. I had to "fill in some blanks" with my weight loss history. Big deal. MAKE IT UP! And don't feel guilty about doing so, this is YOUR LIFE you're fighting for! :-)
   — Angie M.

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