Why would depression be a reason to deny your surgery?

Why would insurance companies or psychiatrists not approve of surgery that can help you lose weight, if that is the reason you are depressed? I don't quite understand how it can hinder approval. Anyone that understand this, please reply, as I am depressed severely, not suicidal, but I really want to have surgery and can't imagine that RNY may be disapproved because of depression.    — Laura J. (posted on December 29, 2001)

December 29, 2001
Unfortunately, many people think that this surgery will solve all their problems in life. When it doesn't, they become even more severely depressed. I'll be honest with you -- your depression is not only because you are overweight. There are other, deeper issues causing it. It's just easy to blame the obesity as the problem.
   — [Anonymous]

December 29, 2001
I think they think you are less likely to be able to follow your diet and take care of your physical health if you are depressed. My doctor also said the first couple weeks I may regret the surgery as I heal and have to follow a liquid diet so they have to make sure your psyche is strong to get you to through this time.
   — Candace F.

December 30, 2001
lie, lie, lie. I remember taking a written part of my psych evaluation and you had to check yes or no. As I smiled and checked no for tons of them, my brain was saying,"yes". Questions like, do you feel depressed most of the time? my pen checked no. "Do you sometimes feel like your life is a failure?" No on paper, yes in my head. "Do you degrade yourself often?" No, i check. Yes in my head. I was happy to see that I honestly could check no to questions like, "Do you think you can control people with your mind?" and other ridiculous questions. For the part when I talked to the shrink I smiled and told her how happy i am with me life and I get a little sad when I try to exercise and it hurts so bad. Do I think surgery will improve my life? My response---no, not my life, but i finally can exercise and do daily tasks without getting winded. thats what i said out loud. in my head I said,"change my life? Of course, I will be a supermodel and pose next to Tyra in Victoria Secrets you fools, just wait and see. Then i will get married and be great!" This insurance approval is a big game. They dont want to pay unless they have to a would love to say, "no she is crazy and cannot get the 30 grand for this surgery, come back when you are not a loon and are happy at a gazillion pounds, then we will help you." I feel that you should give the "correct" answers and appear content and happy with life if thats what they want. Now my advice is strictly for those of us that are depressed and sad--off the record. If you have depression meds and a long history of depression---it may be just a tad bit hard to convince anyone that you are not depressed. I am sure I have convince all the readers of this post that I am crazy now, but someone, somewhere can benefit from this...
   — Courtney W.

December 30, 2001
This surgery takes a HUGE mental awareness, readiness and commitment... I have been "prepairing" for surgery for over a year and I still have my ups and downs. I had some extreme circumstantial depression in this process caused by the fact that I kept coming into obsticals preventing me from sugery and my PCP put me on an anti-depressant... I disagree with the person who says this CAN'T be the only thing we're deressed about or it has some deeper meaning, while it can be true, it isn't always true.. I'm a normally happy person who got so mad / so depressed that I couldn't do what I wanted to do because of my obesity that it "drove me nuts" If your shrink sees that your depression is deeper than I can see it being rejected because the surgery IS a huge mental blow like I said, you have to totally adjust your life as you know it.. If you don't agree with the shrink seek a second oppinion if you can.. I wouldn't have let anything stop me either... Good Luck in your journey
   — Elizabeth D.

December 30, 2001
I asked the psycologist who appoves all of my surgeons patients. Depression is NOT a reason for refusal, depression is NORMAL for pre ops. Now I have had depression problems myself. I am VERY glad to report mine went away after surgery and the weight loss. I asked the psycologist about this happy turn of events. He said that the weight loss often fixes depression because were depressed about our own poor self image. Major reason for denial is from alacholism, that have not recovered. Incidently I answered my questionaire HONESTLY, and was approved!
   — bob-haller

December 30, 2001
I have to agree with Bob. One of our problems is lack of honesty. We've learned to lie about our weight, our eating habits and even our lives to try and feel better about ourselves. It will never help things to lie. When was the last time you had to speak to your child about lying. I was honest. I've had a previously treated eating disorder and have been treated for chronic depression. I answered the questions honestly. I was approved. However, how dumb do you think they are when you come in wanting to have wls and present yourself as a PERFECTLY happy individual. NO ONE is that happy!!! You wouldn't be seeking a major life change if you were happy. This would only make them more suspicious of you to begin with. Truth is always the best way to go.
   — Dawn Y.

December 31, 2001
As long as you are not suicidal (which you are not) be totally honest. Most of us are clinically depressed, taking meds for depression and may have some type of abuse in our past. Your psychologist expects to hear these things. Be open and honest and you will be approved.
   — Lisa B.

January 1, 2002
I have a long history of depression. I also have a long history of weight problem. I ended up self paying and also not having to take another psych. evaluation. But when I was early in the process and hoping for insurance approval, I took a psych evaluation with BTC. I didn't hide anything because I figured as long as they got their money thats really all they care about anyway. She said I would be fine and could have the surgery.Now if she hadn't of cleared me for the surgery what would I have done? I would have went to another shrink and another and another until I got the answer I wanted.When I self paid, just in case, I called a shrink and the first thing I asked them before I made the appointment was if the doctor had any patients who had WLS, and what was his position on that. Cut to the chase. Let them know what you want. You are paying for the service. I don't have any problem with a shrink telling me I need therapy to help me cope with certain things in my life (infact, he has told me that long before I considered the surgery) and we can deal with my emotional problems - but don't tell me that I can't handle a life changing surgery because no doctor can tell you that with a test. I don't care how extensive the test is and how long it takes.I think that is such BS. What other kind of surgery do they make you have a psych. evaluation for? Yes, this is a life changing surgery but so are a lot of other surgeries. Now if I told the doctor that I was hoping I died on the table and that is why I'm having the surgery - I would hope he would not clear me. If I told him the voices in my head said to have this surgery - I would hope that he would not clear me. But if I say that I have a poor self esteem, I'm depressed and I eat to make myself feel better and yes, I think this surgery will change my life. For the better. Yes, I know that my skin is going to hang and I'll probably have to have plastic surgery. I'll still have cellulite, I'm not going to look 18 or even 28 again. But I'll feel better, and I will look better. I would hope that he is smart enough to know that I have a realistic view of life after surgery and that I know this isn't a miracle cure just a tool to help me help myself. If he can't see that, then I'd go to someone who is more open minded. Best of luck to you, and sorry I ranted along.
   — [Anonymous]

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