Should I switch doctors if already approved by insurance?

I have been going to a very reputable doctor in my area and althought he has a really great practice he charges $2000 extra for laprascopic and a $600 membership program fee. After talking to other people, I found that most other doctors in my area that are just as reputable and take my insurance do not do this. I am not sure if I should switch and save the $2600 fee. I would have to start all over with insurance, re-apply and obviously I would have to wait longer for the procedure that I am so ready for. Any advice?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 8, 2001)

November 8, 2001
From what I understand, if you change surgeons all that will need to be done is for the new surgeons staff to contact the insurance company and they will just change the codes to the new surgeon. That is what a friend did. Hope this helps.
   — grammie5

November 8, 2001
I decided to change doctors after the first had already submitted the information to the insurance company. The approval for the first doctor came in last week (less than 48 hours after it was received). Today, the doctor I am switching to sent in the request for approval and got the letter of apporval faxed back within two hours. Since both doctors were in network it was just a matter of changing the approval from one doctor to the other. A piece of cake. If you think other doctors in your area are well-qualified you might consider changing. This is only my opinion, but it sounds like the surgeon you are considering is very concerned about money. Hope this helps.
   — Patty_Butler

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