What kind of questions... specifically... do they ask you in the psyc eval?

What kinds of questions do they ask you in this eval. I have been abused, been on anti depressants, but teel like i have dealt with my abuse well. I have seen other MH dr.s and been in xome counseling... i agree that i probably use the extra lbs as a shield to keep men away, therefore being safe from future harm, emotional harm.. of getting hurt... I just cannot afford to screw this up by saying something wrong... i am not a comfort eater, or a grazer.... i dont turn to food if im feeling bad... any feedback would be appreciated... thanks.. Donna    — Donna T. (posted on May 27, 2001)

May 27, 2001
Donna, Just remember that the MAIN purpose of a psych evaluation is to have someone state that you are mentally stable enough to understand what you are doing (the surgery) and able to comply with post operative directives. You don't have to let the psychologist "analyze" you. Don't volunteer any information you don't want to discuss with this particular MH doc. If you are asked questions about past abuse, you can answer that "Yes, there have been incidents in the past that I have worked on with other mental health professionals and I feel that those are being dealt with satisfactorily." You do not need to provide "details." Again, remember, this psych's job is to determine your competence to consent to surgery and follow up, NOT to determine that you are "free" of all "issues".
   — BethVBG

May 27, 2001
Agree with last post...main purpose is to determine our fitness for surgery (mental-health wise...) In addition, I think the psych eval is to determine our "motivation" to have surgery. Are we doing it for health reasons? Or do we think we're going to lose 100 lbs, get a better job, meet prince charming, etc. MH provider needs to understand that we don't see WLS as a magic door to a perfect life. I talked about my discomfort (physical and mental) at being unable to perform normal daily duties. Expressed my satisfaction with spouse, job, etc. Seemd to work - I passed. Good luck to you.
   — blee01

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