I am having problems with bad taste and eating.

I am almost five weeks post-op and I am having a very difficult time with getting in enough water a day and eating. I rarely feel hungry and when I do eat I can only stand to eat very few bites because of the bad taste. Food or drinks will taste good for a couple of bites/sips but then it is really an effort to continue to eat/drink. I have never vomited probably because I am not eating enough. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how long it may take to go away. I have lost 32# so far. Thanks!    — Vikki H. (posted on May 2, 2001)

May 2, 2001
Were you transected or just stapled? Have you mentioned this to your doc? When things tasted funny to me, it was because I had a staple line disruption, so there was more acid in my pouch than there should've been. Made water taste metallic. I kept checking my glass glasses for rust! Weird. And I couldn't stand most tomato things--too much acid. Yuck. Once I revised and the acid was safely locked away, things tasted pretty normal again. Have you had a scope?
   — vitalady

May 4, 2001
I had the same problem. Nothing I ate or drank really tasted good. I was also hyper-sensitive to odors, and sometimes the smell of food made me nauseous. Those problems started to go away within the past week (I'm 6 weeks post-op). BTW - (in case it matters) I had a gastric reduction with duodenal switch.
   — Shannon M.

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