Does the pain and misery ever stop?

I have been unable to sleep very well since surgery. I am sweating my ass off then very cold then hot then it hurts to move period.I am always thirtsty and in pain. I am pissed at the world, Always in pain. The vicadens do not seem to help. I eat the vicadinis two at a time and still hurt. Is this going to get ay better or should I just shoot myself this morning and save myself some pain//Richard    — Richard T. (posted on March 25, 2001)

March 24, 2001
Richard, you don't mention how far out you are, but if it's immediately post-op, it's probably normal. If you are two months post-op, that could be a real problem. Have you contacted your surgeon? My goodness, there is no reason to be in such pain. If the vicodin is not working, there are plenty of other pain meds to try. Please, call your surgeon about this ASAP. It's normal to have some pain, but not such excrutiating pain if you are on the proper pain meds. Don't suffer in silence or be a martyr, you will heal much faster and better if your pain is relieved. Good luck.
   — Maria H.

March 24, 2001
Richard have you told your doctor that you are having this much pain? I was no longer in pain 2 weeks out and I was able to sleep through the night about 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. The only time I had chills and sweats was when I came down with an infection in my abdomen after surgery. I had open surgery so I do not know what exactly is the norm for lap patients. Hope you are feeling better soon. And NO dont shoot yourself. God Bless.
   — Pam S.

March 25, 2001
Richard, I went to your profile and it said you were only 6 days post op. I don't know how hold your profile is but what kind of pain are you experiencing and what type of surgery you had. I had open rny and although I did freeze/sweat at first I had no excruciating pain, just soreness and felt like I had done 1,000 situps. This is normal but real pain like shooting, hot, throbbing, pain is not normal and you should call your doctor at once. If there is no medical problem, perhaps he could try another pain medicine. I took OXYFAST and it alleviated what pain I had at home. It is a concentrated liquid and very potent so be careful. I am happier than I have ever been in my life and have only lost 55 lbs so far. I am 4 mos post op and it started getting better at about 8 wks post op. I noticed a change in my energy level and each day has gotten better. Don't shoot yourself because your life is going to be sweet! Hang in there but check with your doctor about the pain. God bless you.
   — Marilyn C.

March 25, 2001
Im sorry to hear you are suffering .. my surgery was open from mid boobs to navel .... 5 1/2 hours surgery and alot of work done ... the doctor left me with 1 oz pouch and removed about 2 feet of small intestine... my surgery date was 2/9/01 so Im about 6 weeks out give or take a day or so... I couldnt sleep in a bed or even lie flat .. I sweated constantly and prayed that I could feel cold .. it finally happened 2 weeks out - my internal thermometer was broken hot and cold .. drove my husband wild. couldnt eat anything very well ... everything hurt and I threw up many things even water .... I wish I could gulp cold water or a cold drink I missed that so much. My ribs hurt and if I didnt have diarrea I had constipation. Standing up straight took time and I was light headed from not eating and being dehydrated. The only pain killer I took was extra strength Tylenol the Hydracodone the dr gave me made me sicker. But it GETS BETTER believe me I dont feel bad much now only when I stop drinking ... I keep a glass of tea or water going all the time .... I can eat now .... and not throw up ...... advice ???? Well ... just stick to the plan and if there are more serious problems call your dr ..... hang in there each day is usually better at your stage sometimes you may have a bad day ... my bad days now are because I did something I wasnt supposed to .... Hang in there ...... sleep as much as possible in a chair or anywhere you can ...... take your suppliments and try to drink your protein drink it will give you strength ... I will keep you in my prayers Suzie
   — Suzie O.

March 25, 2001
Richard, I took a look at your profile and it said your surgery date was just over a month ago. That kind of pain is not normal for being over 4 weeks post op. Usually people get better at that mark not get worse. PLEASE CALL YOUR SURGEON ASAP!! The hot and cold sweats may be indicative of a fever which could mean you have an infection somewhere. What you are describing does not sound like normal aches and pains from surgery, especially if you are over 4 weeks post op. Please call your surgeon TODAY, if you can't get ahold of them, go to the ER. Better safe than sorry. Good luck and God bless. Please give us an update soon.
   — Stephanie D.

March 25, 2001
Some people had "your" type of pain two weeks post-op. You're still having it 5 weeks post-op. Maybe there's nothing wrong with that. That's just the way you're body is. I'm sure a few people stopped needing heavy-duty stuff within the first week.But you got some medical practices that have nurse practitioners (spit) that rely on "established pain protocols" that have to be followed. I needed roxicet refilled after two weeks post-op but couldn't get it refilled, because I "shouldn't" need it any more and I ought to be weaning myself off pain meds. All I wanted was to be able to sleep at leat 4 hours a night without waking up in pain. Reassurances that surgeons and their staff are up on the latest in individualized pain management to minimize discomfort is just empty rhetoric. But hey, it sure sounds good on paper. Pain management is an oxymoron.
   — [Anonymous]

March 25, 2001
Richard, Please call your Doctor. I had Lap RNY on January 15th and did not experience any of the pain you are having at a month out. I got the sweats only when I either ate something wrong or too fast. Please let us know what the doctor says. And hang in there it does get better.
   — marlene R.

March 25, 2001
Richard, When I read your post it made me cry. I do not know what your going through, but can understand the pain/frustration/hopelessness you might be feeling. I was released from the hospital on Tuesday, but returned on Wednesday at 6am due to pain, nausea, etc... I was having a bad reaction to the pain mediation they gave me. I was readmitted to the hospital and stayed two days till they found a medicine that I could tolerate. Please see your doctor. He will determine if you need to change your medication. My world changed from why did I do this to yes, I can do this. Hope this helps.
   — Maurine S.

March 25, 2001
call your doctor ask for liquid vicoden ( Loratab) i have tried both the pills and liquid and the liquid is much better my best advice would be to get out of the house and walk each and every me it really helps take a big gulp of liquid vicoden and then start those boots a walking I noticed when i tried the pills that i got little relief Maybe it was because of the pills not disolving fast enough who knows but the Loratab I loved ...its a narcotic and easy to get hooked on so whean your self off as soon as you can It really does get easier...week 6 seems to be a turning point easier to sleep and do most activities good luck hang in there Kathy -69 (11-1-00) Open RNY distal
   — Kathleen M.

March 25, 2001
You didn't say if you're hurting on the outside, like muscles, incision or in the innards, like nausea, clutching pain, burning in the pouch. Also, you didn't specify if you are able to get your fluids in and pain is better/worse/the same. And if things come OUT in due course? It's always possible that there is an adhesion that acts like a strap being gradually tightened where it ought not to be, rather like a tie-down holding a hunk of intestine down and slowly tightening down, which would mean pain when you got enough of a flow going in that intestine to make it "thicker". Or a bowel obstruction. Or just a kink. I am assuming you've reported this to your doc? Still, you may need to insist and see if you can be very specific about what kind of pain, so they don't think you're just tired of being "sore". It doesn't sound that way to us, as you can see. Just see if you can define the type, the when, the how long after eating/drinking and be very specific when you call first thing tomorrow morning, OK?
   — vitalady

March 25, 2001
I was in misery for about a month, pain when I moved, couldn't sleep, depressed, etc. Just totally miserable!! It does get better, I know this probably doesn't help much but hang in there, it does get better.
   — Deania W.

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