Anyone ever had your PCP refuse to write you a letter of support?

My surgeons office request that his pts get a letter of support from your PCP to submit to your insurance company. It doesnt have to say that they recommend the surgery or even that they approve of the surgery...just that it would benefit my diabetes and htn if i were to lose wt. My doctor flat out said no. He thinks that anyone can lose weight if its done right. He jokingly told me husband to lock me in a closet with 600 calories a day and an exercise bike and not let me out for 3 or 4 months. Needless to husband nor I were amused. I would like to know if anyone else has run into this problem and how they handled it. Dr. He pointed to his wife (the receptionist) and said "see she lost wt on a high protien diet and so can you if you try". I could have spit nails! Please help!    — Cheryl S. (posted on February 9, 2000)

February 9, 2000
I had a similar situation with my PCP only for a referral letter. With him it was his mother who had lost over 100 lbs. on her own and had kept it off. There was no convincing him so I changed Dr.s. We need doctors that will support us NOT make us feel worse than we already do. It's not like we choose to be this overweight. Good luck.
   — Debbie M.

February 9, 2000
I just wanted to write and tell you how sorry I am that you had to go through that. I know it's not my fault but I certainly can sympathize with your frustration. I, too, had a PCP who gave me a hard time about my surgery. At first they wanted to put me on pills and see the dietician. OK, could they not see that I had been on diet pills and diets for years and years and I was still fat??? It came down to the point with them, that I was literally crying in their office and threatening to take my business somewhere else. I told them flat out if they didn't give me the referal or letter that I needed I would find a provider who would support MY decision to get healthy. Then I also had another doctor who flat out refused to write a letter to my surgeon, stating that she had treated me for obesity and that she put me on the fen phen with little results. Her excuse was that she hadn't seen me in a long time so I was no longer a patient of hers. BUT she was the one who treated me before, made no sense to me. She had put me on the pills because I had tried to discuss gastric bypass with her and she didn't believe in the surgery. So my feeling about her refusal to write the letter stemmed from the fact that she didn't believe in the gastric bypass. But I still got approved even without her letter. Just be persistent. Good Luck...Marni
   — Marni

February 9, 2000
Get the name of a PCP from the surgeon you want to do your bypass. They know the PCP's that support them.
   — Shar /.

February 9, 2000
Change your PCP .... What kind of a jerk is this physician? He/She obviously does not know what an overweight person deals with on a daily basis. There are plenty of physicians out there that can help you, I suggest you find one! Good Luck Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

February 10, 2000
Get a new DR. He is a big Jerk and had no right to say something so negative about you especially knowing that you have issues with your wieght!!!!!
   — cristy P.

February 10, 2000
Fire pay his wages...there are excellant PCPs who are extremly supportive.
   — bobbie F.

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