I feel like my insides are going to fall out! HELP!

Hi everyone! My name is Michelle Campbell and I just had the mini gastric bypass performed on 12/2. It has been rocky for me I have to admit. But overall it has not been too bad. Today has been the best so far, except...When I am sitting down I have these "spasm" like pains. I don't want to get too graphic, but they are in the lower abdominal area and also in the area of my new tummy and it HURTS! Today is post op day 6 for me and I am back to work( keep in mind mine was lap)and I have been sitting all day. You think that has something to do with it? Thanks!    — michelle C. (posted on December 7, 1999)

December 7, 1999
Michelle--6 days is very soon to be back at work even with lap. You have disolving stitches and they pull sometimes. I did not become pain free until I was about 3 weeks out. Sitting at the computer was the worst cause your abdomen sits differently and I always felt a pulling. Heck I was still on percocet at bed time at six days. Take it easy. Lap procedure does not change the fact that this is major surgery!!! ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

December 7, 1999
Hi Michelle, I think maybe with you sitting all day you are building up gas. I had a gastric bypass two years ago. It was an open surgery . But the more I moved , the better I felt. The gas is settled in your intestines and you need to move around to get things moving.
   — Ellen M.

December 7, 1999
Michelle, I had a problem at the beginning of sitting for too long at a time. I had to go lay down for a few minutes several times a day, just to sort of stretch things out a bit. What you are describing sounds more serious that that though, have you called your Dr.? When you are feeling this pain, how does it feel if you stand and let it stretch a bit? Laying down takes the pressure off of it or at least that is the way it worked for me. Susan
   — Susan F.

December 7, 1999
Goodness sakes!!! 6 days post op is way too soon to be back to work even with the laproscopic procedure! Also, you shouldn't be sitting all the time, that is the worst thing for you. You need to walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, so that you don't develop blood clots or pneumonia. Are you sure your doctor wants you back to work so soon? What are you eating? Are you still on soft or liquids? Are you trying to eat solids too soon ... so much of what you're saying doesn't sound right this soon sweetie! Please talk with your doc about the pain you're experiencing. You can expect to be in pain for several weeks yet, but to "feel like your insides are falling out ..." sounds like extremely serious pain and that isn't normal, but if you're sitting all the time, that will account for some of it because of gas build-up, etc. Be safe, call your doc!
   — Sherrie G.

December 8, 1999
I had those same type of pains, I noticed them more when I would lay down, it was my old stomach, the muscles would spasm and it got bad at certain times, but I would call my doctor and ask him to be 100% certain, you can't be too safe!!
   — Kimberly B.

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