Tummy Tuck cost?

   — carla C. (posted on February 13, 2005)

February 14, 2005
Hi! You can get many different answers to this question. The cost can vary so much!! It will depend on where you live, which specific procedure you have done, whether they do lipo or not. Your best bet is to schedule a few consults with surgeons in your area and go from there. Good Luck!! Mandy
   — Mandybub

February 14, 2005
I agree with Mandy, it all depends on where you live. I live in Texas and I went for a consultation last year. I had an open RNY so I have the vertical scar from breastbone to belly button. To do the tummy tuck the surgeon said he would have to actually cut that scar out because scar tissue is like a rope and can't be pulled tightly and lay flat like regular tissue. Plus, I had a lot of fat still in my tummy, so it would require a little lipo for a better effect. The total cost for the tummy tuck, liposuction in the abdomen region, hospital fees, etc was around $10,000. I know my sister-in-law in Minneapolis had liposuction ONLY on her abdomen and spent over $6,000 just for the surgeon. That wasn't including the hospital stay or binders. Most cosmetic surgeons offer either a free consultation or apply the consultation fee as a credit if you decide to have the surgery. My consultation was only $50, but I decided to wait on the tummy tuck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 14, 2005
Cost in Columbus Ohio was $4200 for the hip to hip incision with muscle tightening for the PS. Add another $3000 for the anesthesia and surgery room.
   — Patty H.

February 14, 2005
Well I am scheduled to have a Tummy tuck and a Breast AUgmentation next month. Both at the same time in the doctors office based operating room. I am having both done for $9,500. I am super excited. Went to a consult with a different plastic surgeon...He scared me. When you feel comfortable with your doctor, it means the world.
   — joyfuljoy2000

February 14, 2005
I had a LBL that was very extensive. If I had been total self-pay the package price would have been right around $20,000. That would have been based on 2 nights in the hospital I believe. However, my insurance covered the full extended abdominoplasty to the tune of about $25,000 and then I paid $6000 for the lateral thigh portion. $3400 was facility/anesthesiology fees and $2600 surgeon fee which was 50% of his normal fee because it was a 2nd procedure. However, when I saw the itemized bill before they decided what portion got billed to insurance and what portion was related to the package I paid for the total was $36,000 just for the hospital and operating room etc. I ended up being in there 3 days and had 3 blood transfusions which I'm sure added quite a bit of cost. When it was all said and done though they accepted a total of about $22,000 between me and insurance and wrote off $14,000. They only had a 10% price reduction agreement with the insurance company so the great majority was written off related to the portion I paid for. This was all done in Green Bay WI. There are cheaper surgeons but this guy has done wonders for me and I wouldn't go anywhere else. His fees aren't really out of line, just a little on the higher side, but then again he's done revision work on me for free or at hugely reduced costs, so it all balanced out in the end. Cost really cannot be the driving factor when choosing a PS. Their experience with your particular situation and their confidence that they know how to deal with it is worth way more. I had my insurance approval with one surgeon and then decided I just wasn't comfortable that he could truly do what I wanted and do a good job., so I kept looking and I'm glad I did. This guy wasn't cocky and acting like he could do it all. He was very upfront on the areas he was going to have the most difficulty but he discussed his plans and ideas with me and gave me the condifence that he would do his best and that I would be pleased with his best. Mr. Perfectionist he is! So check around and don't just go by reputation. Try to find a surgeon who has dealth with many patients with LOTS of skin to remove. It truly is a different animal when they are taking 19 lbs of skin off your gut.
   — zoedogcbr

February 14, 2005
My PS collected a total of $10,600 from my insurance companies (I have 2), for my abdominoplasty with tightening and mild hernia. I don't know the hospital costs. I stayed 2 nights due to low blood pressure from the narcotic pain killers.
   — Fixnmyself

February 17, 2005
I had my tummy tuck last June in Bethlehem, PA. The total cost would have been around $8500, but I only paid $2500. Insurance covered part because of hernia.
   — emilyfink

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