Help me! I can't stop grazing

I know this is what made me MO in the first place! I lost my mom in December as a result of her RNY surgery and have been full of guilt ever since. As time goes on I guess it is eating me up and I am picking to make myself feel better. Too bad when I am done and I realize it I then hate myself. WHat can I do to stop this?? Being aware isn't enough and I just can't afford counseling right now. Wendy    — Wendy H. (posted on April 7, 2004)

April 7, 2004
i'm really sorry about your mom and the stress you are going thur. when i notice i am grazing i drink something warm. for some reason that helps and makes me feel full and satisfied. i like international instant flavored sugar free coffees. i am not a coffee drinker and these taste more like hot chocolate.
   — franbvan

April 7, 2004
Wendy, I know counseling is expensive but most places have a counseling service attached to their health department. Have you thought about looking at that to see if you can get counseling free? Or you could explore finding someone in the clergy if you are part of any kind of religious organization. Most churches do have grief counseling services and in a lot of cases there is no charge. Also, a strong support group might help. Do you have a regular WLS support group you can turn too? I know it's hard to deal with grief and especially with the guilt associated with losing someone we love. I wish you the best in finding an answer.
   —  SCbabe B.

April 7, 2004
A couple of thoughts..drink an 8 oz glass of water fast when you feel the urge to pick/graze. If you still feel the urge drink another glass very fast. This is called water loading and works to give you that full feeling. Next, get away from the food. Go out for a walk, or if at work, walk the floors or the stairs. In my case, I got a puppy! Didn't realize it but having a puppy who has to go out every 5 minutes, or your playing with it has kept me from doing much of my evening snacking. I've lost 2 pounds in the 3 weeks since we got him! What you'll find is that each day you are "good" that self-satisfied feeling will help you gain strength for the next day. Good luck..
   — Cindy R.

April 7, 2004
Wendy I noticed you have three boys, but is it possible for you not to keep food that you will graze on in the house? If the food is calling your name (like I sometimes describe it), get up and throw it in the trash. Better wasted money then having it on your hips. Sometimes, I will say if I go and eat anymore of that, I'm going to throw it in the trash and sometimes that is enough for me to leave it alone and sometimes I actually do throw it away. Maybe you can pinpoint what is making you graze and fill your time so that it does not occur. I also agree about the waterloading.
   — Lisa N M.

April 7, 2004
<b>THINK ABOUT WHAT YOUR DEAR MOTHER WOULD DO AND SAY TO YOU. If she was here to witness this. She accepted the risk that comes with wls. and I'm sure she wouldn't want you to fail after coming through your wls. Be strong and do the right thing for yourself and for your mom also. May she Rest In Peace, **Hugs**</b>
   — B4real

April 7, 2004
Get some good quality protein drinks from Drink one every couple of hours, or when the craving to eat is strong. Good whey protein will satify your hunger, curbe cravings, and provide a feeling of satiety. Yes, you still get to eat . . . I do 6 shakes/day and eat 3-4 very small meals. Good luck!
   — RWH G.

April 7, 2004
I am the worst grazer on the planet and the last person to be listening to for advice. However, I decided to address the issue before it became a problem a couple of weeks ago. I quit buying the wonderful things that I love to graze on...and bought cheese. I don't hate cheese, but it is my last choice for snacking. Whenever I feel like grazing, I chug water...if that doesn't work, I get a chunk of cheese. I eat it till it melts, not really chewing it...takes forever that way. By the time I'm done, I got some protien, snacked, and I'm not hungry. Cheese does that to me...makes me never want to eat again. well at least for an hour or two. ;) Try all the wacked out of em will eventually work. LOL Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

April 7, 2004
Wendy - if you re-read your post, you might pick up on something. Are you grazing not just out of depression or anxiety, but are you doing so because you feel you don't deserve to be thin when your mom passed away trying to attain the same good health and weight loss? I am not trying to put that on you, but it just sort of stood out to me as a possibility. As for some of these suggestions, there are some great ones. I would obviously choose low-cal and/or low-carb foods to graze on while you deal with your nerves, and I would urge you to check with your county mental health department. They have counselors who work on a pay as you can basis. At least I should say in my state they do. Oh - and you might also try sunflower seeds if you are needing to work your jaws a little. Salty but they take awhile to eat.
   — Dinka Doo

April 8, 2004
I'm so sorry for you loss Wendy. Another resouce you may consider for help in dealing with your grief and guilt is your clergy. Can you contact someone at your church or temple and talk to them? I live in a large city, but there are also community grief support groups that are free to attend, I hope there is something available to you. I'm sending you warm thoughts and good wishes.
   — Shayna T.

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