Anyone having crazy dreams?

I've had some very weird dreams while losing this weight. A lot of them seem to center around how I am mentally handling my weight loss. An example is last night, I dreamt that I met Tom Cruise (I know, lol) in a doorway. I felt so confident with myself that I played this game with him and I wouldn't let him pass, we were both laughing. I'd jump one way and then he'd jump the other. I remember this great feeling of confidence because of losing my weight. Then all of a sudden he says, " Aw come on let me pass, your such a large girl, I don't have a chance." This overwhelming feeling of embarressment and depression came over me and I walked away and hid from everyone. When I woke up I had been crying. Geez, do you think I need a shrink? I have felt that I have been handling my weight loss very well other than my dreams. Thanks for listening, Joan    — Joan R. (posted on February 25, 2004)

February 25, 2004
I keep having dreams that I see an ex-boyfriend and I'm flirting with him, but he rejects me. I am happily married, and wouldn't WANT any of my ex-boyfriends back, but I keep dreaming about it. But, in the end, I always get rejected. Maybe it is because we haven't had a lot of self-confidence and are afraid to show any. Same thing with answering questions in class. I will be TOTALLY sure of the answer, but not say it out loud, just in case I am wrong. Who knows? Good luck to you!
   — BeckyT

February 25, 2004
I've never considered myself a dream analyzer but here's my thoughts on it. Subconsciously you are feeling so good about yourself and your wonderful weight loss - thus the confidence when dealing with Tom Cruise. However, old fears and habits die hard. The mirror never tells us the truth and we always tend to feel we're not quite good enough for society's image of what a normal person should be. So, again subconsciously, your mind said "Tom Cruise? Get real!" and then your dream crashed and burned. I do know that dreaming is an active outlet for releasing feelings we supress. I'd say you're completely normal and just experiencing the growing pains that go along with this amazing journey. Keep up the great work! Tom Cruise would be lucky to have you. :)
   — ronascott

February 25, 2004
Most of my crazy dreams were Pre Op. However occasionly I dream of Annette O'Toole. I just wish I would quit being a gentleman. ;) lol
   — Danmark

February 25, 2004
Hey, if Tom Cruise would give up Nicole Kidman to be with Penelope Cruz...then, what does he know!! Granted, he is nice eye-candy to look at, but as far as letting him get you all upset, well, he should have been the gentleman and stepped out of the doorway for you, not you for him!! (Sorry Tom, you had it coming!) My advise, dream of someone else with higher love-life standards!! LOL Danette
   — Danette C.

March 6, 2004
Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I am 5 wks out and have been having weird dreams from the start. They are sometimes violent, even though I don't watch scary movies, and others involve food, such as getting invited to a lg dinner, and when I get there they are putting the food away. I'm not sure what all this means, but it sure is a weird feeling to keep having these type dreams. I think I subconsciously know that I can't eat much anymore.
   — bufordslipstick

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