Diet History/Supervised Diet History Difference?

Yesterday after the insurace getting all my information..finally, I talked to the nurse who was in charge of my case before sending it to the group for approval. She told me I would need a diet history of 4 years, which I completed today, and faxed to her. She wouldn't give me alot of yes or no's...just kinda let me think what I wanted. She told me a diet history, but in that I stated I was under the care of my PCP during all my diets and that he approved of them. He also is sending yet another letter stating I was under his care during this time. They now have all they need, my diet history, but will not get my letter from my PCP until next week. She wouldn't tell me if I really needed yet another letter or not saying he supervised me, since she never specifically said I needed a supervised diet history and the requirments for my insurace only state diet history. Is there a difference between the two? My history is detailed with everything I did, no recipts, just simply my life and diets for the past 4 years. I have Great West, and I know other's simlpy stated their diets....just wondered if I was going to get stuck with a denial for something like it being unsupervised since it's my account    — Mandy K. (posted on December 3, 2003)

December 2, 2003
Diet history means just that, what diets you have attempted in the past. Supervised history means dieting under the guidance or supervision of your PCP. If you insurances just states "diet history" and you are denied because you did not have a "supervised diet history", I would think that you would have a good case for appeal if needed.
   — Checker B.

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