can we use rogain to prvent hair loss?

has nayone tried this b4? i am really afraid of this and i know that this was questioned b4, but i could not find anything on rogain.....i hope this is a back up plan...    — aida S. (posted on December 1, 2003)

November 30, 2003
Yes, you can use Rogaine to regrow your lost hair, but you'll need to keep using it to keep that new hair. Once you stop, the hair will come out. At least that's what my dermatologist told me. I didn't want to have to use that stuff for the rest of my life is I just waited for my hair to come back naturally. And it did. I found that upping my iron, protein and biotin helped it come back more quickly.
   — Traci H.

November 30, 2003
I had my hair fall out due to malnutrition several years back... My appendix had ruptured and I had walked around (not litterally, I was sick as a dog) for days with it ruptured and almost died... Anyway, I had gone to a dermatologist when my hair started falling out and he put me on a perscription strength rogaine. It absolutely worked for me. I quit using it after a month and no more hair loss. That being said, your milage may vary. This was over ten years ago and it was perscription strength. Good luck to you :) April
   — April S.

December 1, 2003
In my experience Rogaine did not help due to medically caused hairloss. I also have Hypothyroidism and tried to use Rogaine for Women to help, it did nothing. Until I got my thyroid under control, was the only time it started growing back. I believe to prevent,as much as possible, the hairloss that occurs with WLS, you should continue eating as much protein as you can tolerate and don't slack off when you can start eating more carbos. That's when it hurts you the most right around your 4th month when you can start eating other things and slacking off on your protein. JMHO.
   — Skis I.

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