Where do people find their long term buddies on here to talk to when needing help?

I've been reading so many profiles and been so happy for all these people. This web site is truly a blessing. I was just wandering how do you meet these individual people that stick with you the entire way from pre-op to post-op to help you through this tough journey. I have a great family, and I have great friends. Granted, my Mom has a good idea of what I'm going through and I can talk to her, but I really would love to have a friend or two on here to talk to, and e-mail to help me through this trying time. There are some days I'm so inspried and others like today when I feel like I have hit rock bottom, and to have someone that understands what I am going through would be a god send, if I knew where exactly where to click or find this special person, or if I just have to wait and it will all work out...I was just hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I hope everyone is doing great!    — Mandy K. (posted on November 7, 2003)

November 7, 2003
Mandy, Hey - drop me an email and let's get to know one another! I'd love to be your friend! dina
   — Dina McBride

November 7, 2003
me too!! I can always use a new friend!! I would love to hear from you!!
   — Sharon1964

November 7, 2003
Hi, the great thing about this group is that we are all here for the long term. At least a lot of us are. I know there are times when we get busy with the new lives we have been blessed with, but it seems like all of the long term postops I have followed, touch base every now and then. Some never do. I vowed that I would help anyone in any way I could if I survived the surgery and I meant it. You can find a lot of comradeship here and people who are the world's greatest source of information in this area. We are the experts and thankfully, we help each other. God bless you in this awesome journey and always know that as long as AMOS is here, you will find someone to listen to you and to understand.
   — Mylou52

November 7, 2003
I think most of these people just send an email and see what happnens, I have some great friends from a local support group as well, If you have one available go......they are alot of help! Feel free to email anytime!
   — Saxbyd

November 7, 2003
Hey! I would love to talk with you and anyone else out there that needs a shoulder...I am pre=op got a surgery date but waiting for insurance to finalize approval...I pray...I plan to be a long timer as well and would love to chat and help anyone anyway I can...Don't hesitate to email please...Good Luck...btw...its normal to have up and down days...excited and scared will do great!
   — robin R.

November 7, 2003
Hi Mandy; I have met with a couple of people who I spoke with by email here that live close to me and I have several that I email back and forth on a regular basis. I have one special friend who emailed me when we both got the same surgery date. I answered and now we are great friends and help each other all the time. I was lucky enough to have met and emailed another special friend that lives close and we get together when ever we can. The friends you will find on this site you will have forever. We have a common thread. Just email anyone who you want and most if not all will respond and help. Your right it does help to talk to someone who understands. Hugs;
   — Barbara S.

November 8, 2003
Hi Mandy, Email anytime and I will answer :) I like new friends. (((Hugs))) DebbyB/IA
   — DebbyB

November 9, 2003
I go to the chatroom, thats where i have found the most information on farther out post ops. I have been going there for almost 3 yrs now,, i am 18 months post op. There are a great bunch of people , (most of the time ) lol I am known as TinyBritches hope to see you there
   — tinalivesay

November 9, 2003
I met 2 wonderful people through this website. At the time, I had already had my WLS. They were inquiring about it and we ended up becoming e-mail pals, then met in person and now have become friends. Both have since had their WLS with my surgeon and both are doing great.
   — Patty H.

November 9, 2003
I corresponded with a woman who had surgery by the same surgeon I had. Then I met her a support group meeting. I had not heard from her for awhile, and recently started emailing back and forth again. It turns out that she graduated from the same high school I did, a year before me, and her parents live on the same street that I do! She had surgery about 6 months before me, so she has been through plastic surgery and has been so helpful all along the way. What a small world! Check the "local" message boards, and those who have had the same surgeon. Good luck!
   — koogy

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