Has anyone else been sad afterwards?

I read some other postings on folks who cried at the drop of a hat after, I'm not to that stage yet, thankfully. It's just that I'm always sad. I got on the scale this morning and I lost 2 more pounds and felt sad instead of happy! I don't miss food, although I thought I would. I really feel like not eating at all, I have to remember to and make myself eat. :::sigh::: I haven't had any complications although last week I was in the ER after vomiting blood all day Tuesday, they said it was nothing. I imagine I am a bit scared to eat (I also saw those postings, but I have no fear of stretching my pouch) because I don't want to toss up everything I eat. Anyway, thanks for any input and I think you're all wonderful folks for reading these questions and offering so much support! -Thanks :)    — Michelle L. (posted on August 10, 2003)

August 10, 2003
Hi, Michelle! You sound like you may be having a bit of a bout with depression. Do you think you should discuss this with your doctor? I know there is such a thing as post op blues. I had a bit of that myself. And I did miss food too. Be sure you are taking your vitamins and getting in your protein AND water, water, water. Get out into the world! These things really are important for a speedy recovery. Things really do get better. I was a whole new woman by 6 weeks. Good luck and hang in there. Open RNY 10/30/02 down 183 lbs.
   — Ginger M.

August 10, 2003
Michelle your depression could be caused by the release of hormones that have been stored in the fat cells. Some people experience this to differing degrees just as some people experience post partum depression. If this is the case it is a chemical imbalance and should it continue you should look into getting meds to counteract the chemocal imbalance. Good Luck!
   — dianekoch

August 10, 2003
Hi It is completely normal to cry and feel generally depressed right after surgery, your body is releasing hormones. It will stop soon hang in there. And I will celebrate your 2 pounds lost for you yippee yahooo Take care
   — susan B.

August 10, 2003
I certainly consider vomiting blood all day a complication! Does your surgeon know about this? The ER doctor may not be familiar enough with WLS to know when something is serious. Please discuss this and your depression with your surgeon.
   — Chris T.

August 10, 2003
Michelle....on my second day pot-op, I cried and cried and had absolutely no idea why I was crying!! I was told that it was because of my hormones going hog wild and the anesthesia too. During the first week and a half post-op, I felt sad as well because I felt like I had lost my best!! I am no longer depressed and loving life like there is no tomorrow!! I have control over no longer controls me!!
   — Terri G.

August 11, 2003
Michelle, I felt a lot like you did, grateful I couldn't eat much, but I think my feeling was an intense feeling of boredom. Food was not there to give me that daily joy I use to have. Now I am on soft foods and I think it has lifted. I also had to tell myself "I refuse to feel bored all the time" and reminded myself of how sad and desperate I felt before surgery. I think it is hormonal on some level as well. Our brain doesn't release that overall general feeling of wellbeing when we stuff ourselves. We don't eat enough to release that, I think. Stay positive with yourself and journal. That's helping me. Good luch and feel free to e-mail. 4 weeks out!
   — Michele B.

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