My dumping has changed since first had surgery

Now I dump for a longer tim span, what used to last 20 to 40 minutes now lasts for hours. Today I took 1 small forkful of tuna salad that had regular mayo in it and I am still 3 hours later very shaky,weak and sick to my tummy. This is how I have been lately. Even a 1/2 tsp of peanut butter makes me dump hard anymore. Is this somehting that happens as our BMI reduces and we react stronger due to our smaller size? My surgeon last week said I asked to dump and he is happy I do, I am too but just curious. Wendy    — Wendy H. (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
It will be interesting to see the replies. I've had the opposite happen, the further out I get, the less dumping I do and the milder the dumping symptoms.
   — Cindy R.

May 7, 2003
Wendy, I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm 17 months post-op and I have found that not only do I dump badly from the things that always made me dump, but I now have mild dumping sometimes from things that really shouldn't cause it - like meat - grilled lean meat. When that happens, it's not bad - I just get flushed and then cold sweats. But sugar will put me to bed for an hour or two. If you find out the answer, let us know.
   — Patty_Butler

May 7, 2003
I'm with Cindy on this one. The further out I get (9 months) the less I dump on and when I do, it's usually not as bad.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 8, 2003
I, too, have had my dumping become less severe as I became further out. My dumping is milder, but still occurs. I've also found that eating protein when I start to dump, will help with the dumping symptoms. I used to dump on even a tiny bit of fat, but now I can eat a small portion (i.e. some butter on the veggies), and I don't dump. I just hope the dumping doesn't go away completely! I need it to help keep me honest!
   — Kathy J.

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