Does anyone have any experiences they can share concerning Lap-Band surgery etc.?

I am curious if you experience a lot of ab pain, if the port causes any pain and is visible. I would also like to know about recovery time. Right now I am just starting the insurance process with Cigna PPO. My job is not extremely physical but it does require that I be here as much as possible. So i would like to know recovery wise what is the least/most amount of time someone going through this particular surgery would take off from work.. when primarily you have a "sit down" job.?    — drjakata (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 6, 2002
I am 2 1/2 weeks postop and have been feeling pretty much my self after the first week. I have 3 children and have been able to cook, clean, do laundry etc. by the third day. The hardest part the first few days was bending down and picking things. I also needed to switch positions the first few days. I sit for a while, then stand, then sit again. I needed to stretch out. Hope this helps.
   — Maryanne G.

September 7, 2002
I was under the impression that no insurance would pay for adjustable lap bands...I too thought it would be the perfect surgery as it's so easily adjusted to fit your needs. But (at least in CO where I live) it's private pay or forget it. How/where would I get insurance to pay for it (even if it meant travel)? (sorry off your question but I was excited to see something about it)...
   — Kimberley E.

September 7, 2002
9/7/02--Hello, I am 4 weeks post-op from ALB, I was feeling great two days after the surgery. You recover faster from a Lapascopic/Surgery with the band. Although, the Dr. in the states seem to have difficulty learning the proper technique in the LAP surgery. I am here in Germany (Military) But, I was led to this amazing Dr. Weiner in Frankfurt, Germany, who specializes in this field, among others. Sorry this is such a far place to travel, but many people from the states come to this man. He created his own technique, that is famous all over Europe, Brazil, and other countries. Maybe you can email him and ask if he could refer you to a Dr. in the states. His email is: [email protected] (Dr. Rudolf Weiner) The best in this field. Try and see what he says. He responds quickly to emails. No problem. God Bless and good luck. Tuesday
   — Tuesday G.

September 7, 2002
I am 6 weeks post op and so happy! The lap band is great. My port doesn't show and I can't feel it. The pain wasn't too bad, especially if you have had other surgeries. It just felt like I had done about a million situps the first week or so. You could probably go to a sit down job after maybe 5 days. See my website for more info and to join some great band groups:
   — M. B.

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