Anyone have suggestions?

I went to the hospital about a month ago and they kept me for five days and ran all sorts of tests without much of a real result. They said it was an inflammation inside my pouch and put me on lots of pills that have only helped with being able to keep stuff down. (Which I was not able to do at the time.) Tests ran: Blood, urine, abdominal x-ray, ultrasound, catscan, and the probe through both ends. Results: Hemorrhoids, low potassium, and an inflammation inside the pouch. My symptoms are: aching, cramping, pain in abdominal and lower back region, burning and pain in all of my bowel area especially around the opening and I usually have really bad pain right before a bowel movement. Lack of hunger and thirst. Everything I eat goes right through me or comes up. My stool is yellow and very soft to runny and has a jellied texture sometimes. Sometimes it almost looks like one of those sticky hands you buy in a gumball machine. I am weak a lot too. I had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis before I had WLS, but had not had symptoms in a long time. When they did the probe in the hospital they said it did not appear to be related to Ulcerative Colitis. I have been out of work for three weeks and this has really had a financial hardship on my family, so speaking with my surgeon about this is not really an option because I can NOT afford to be readmitted to a hospital. I would just like to know if there are others out there with these same symptoms and has anyone found relief somehow? Could this all just be the hemorrhoids? I kind of find it hard to believe that ALL this pain and discomfort could be due to hemorrhoids. I have bought cream and it doesn't seem to be helping, especially with the abdominal cramping.    — Patricia H. (posted on July 31, 2002)

August 1, 2002
I had all of the same symptoms you did and the hemmoroids I developed from the uncontrollable diaharreaha. But I was diagnosed with a bad gall bladder, my dr said the key to his diagnosis was the pain and the yellow yucky stool..Unfortunately for me, my insurance will only remove my gall bladder when I have stones and I have none yet..Hope this helps........Good luck...
   — Joi G.

August 1, 2002
I have many of the same issues as you. I hope someone can shed some light onto our situation.
   — sbinkerd1

August 1, 2002
Also my Gall bladder was removed at time of surgery.
   — sbinkerd1

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