I have just received a bill and I noticed the payment options.

I live in Portland, OR and most of the physicians I have seen are part of the Providence Health System. I noticed on the back of my latest bill that Long-Term financing is available. This is the wording: Balances over $500.00 can be financed through US Bank with a non-qualifying, guaranteed loan. Depending on the amount owed, payments are often extended up to 60 months at a low annual interest rate. There is no application fee or origination fee. Does this mean that after I have surgery that I will qualify for financing through US Bank regardless of my sketchy credit history? Could this be the answer to many of our (our as a group) problems with out of pocket expenses? Please respond if you know about this!!!!!    — jenn2002 (posted on October 20, 2001)

October 20, 2001
Yes,that's exactly what it sounds like it's saying. Non-qualifying, guaranteed means just that; you don't have to qualify via your credit. Spread out over five years could be good depending on the remaining balance you may owe, and of course, how long the BANK will let you extend it out. They might not let you spread out payments over 60 months with only $1000 or $2000, you know?
   — ChristiMNB

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