Anyone have Pseudo Tumor Cerebri Pre-Op?

I have a condition called Pseudo Tumor Cerebri, causing excess build up of spinal fluid in the brain, and have been told this disorder hits mainly obese females. Has anyone had this pre-op and have been cured of it after surgery? If weight loss doesn't cure it, I am looking at having to have many spinal taps. I would love to know if weight loss has helped anybody else.    — Lori W. (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
I almost fell out of my chair when I saw this. While reading the first few lines I thought I wrote this a long time ago. I too have Psuedo tumor Cerebri. I am not post-op. I can tell you my neurosurgeon has suggested that wls would be a possible cure for me as well. I went through all the spinal taps OUCH!!!!!! So after that I elected to have a lumbar shunt put in. This has cured me but gave me horrible leg and back pain. So no more headaches, blindness, and hearing loss and in comes sleepless nights and being housebound because of not being able to walk. I have just gotten approved for my surgery with Dr.Vitello in Chicago. I hope to have my surgery in the next couple of months. I probably would have never considered wls if not for psuedo tumor cerebri. I am at the point I would eat glass and box with the devil to remove this shunt and have a chance to cure me. I wrote to tell you I understand and I am glad you are out there even though I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Feel free to write me any time [email protected]
   — Vanessa H.

July 11, 2001
I had pseudotumor cerebri over 20 years ago. I was treated with spinal taps and some follow-up medication that made my fingers tingle. I have not had a problem since then, but many other problems have convinced me to have surgery. I'm scheduled for lap RNY 8-3-01.
   — Debbie C.

July 11, 2001
I am waiting for ins approval and have PTC. I was diagnosed 7 years ago and had a VP shunt placed because I didn't want to go thru spinal taps every 3 months or so. I wish now that I hadn't made the choice of the shunt. I've had nothing but neck & head pain for the last 3 years. Weight loss is a cure for PTC so go for it. Good Luck.
   — Terri G.

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