I am not sure what to do

Hi all I have been reading a lot of good news on here lately congrats to all who have been approved and better yet already had surgery, although I must admit a little jealousy here, but none the less I am happy for all of you. I am posting today for a particular reason HELP!! I am trying to get approval through Ohio Medicaid and I was sent my first denial letter but I expected it because I was given the wrong info from the hospital but that is another story anyways here is my dilemma. In my denial letter they (medicaid) listed things I need to send them for consideration for approval well understandably they want detailed info on past diet and weight loss, the problem is I can't remember three quarters of the diet I did (bad memory) and now I am not sure what to do I am considering just writing anything down kinda fibbing but I hate to do that as we all kmow lieing is not a good thing but I feel backed into a corner and am not sure what to do. Please if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. my e-mail is [email protected] or post on the message board I would appricieate (spelling) any help thank you. may god embrace you all -- Chris Holcombe    — Chris H. (posted on May 11, 2001)

May 11, 2001
LIE,LIE,LIE....sorry, I'm not usually this bad of a girl.but...take it from someone who ended up a selfpay(even though I have double insurance coverage..exclusions) what ever you have to do to get it covered..I would have and the insurance co. should not be able to get away with not covering this(but they do).
   — Debora H.

May 11, 2001
Hi Chris, I just got approved through Indiana medicaid. The first letter I got was a suspended decision. They then asked me for diet history, statements saying that 1. I would participate in all pre and post operative programs offered by the center, 2. I do not use illegal drugs, 3. I don't smoke (that is major, IN medicaid will deny a person on the spot if they smoke), 4. I don't use alcohol is excess. Finally they wanted a statement from my primary physician saying that I have participated in weight loss programs and have failed and that they refer you to the doctor that will perform your surgery. I really believe that it was the letter from the doctor that helped along with all of the other information. Oh I almost forgot, I sent them a letter telling them the effects that the weight has on my life and how it restricts me from living a normal life, and what I hope to achieve after surgery. Finally I prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed. Good luck, you'll be in my prayers!! Keep your chin up. I hope this helped!
   — Julie S.

July 13, 2005
I was approved by Georga Medicaid (which is just about bankrupt) with my first try. I think one of the reasons was that my surgeon required like a 1-2 page "weight-loss" biography. I took could nto remember exact details, but I decided to write the truth and the whole truth from childhood the present and disregarded the lenght. I went into detail about all ny ups and downs, and how I was sucessful losing over 120 pounds in my early 20's (from 290 to 170 estimate) by developing my own diet, which was really a 'change in eating habits' and walking! Of course I was up to walking over 10 miles a day. at least 5 days a week. At the pace of at least 3 miles per hour. And it didn't have ot be done at one time... You could do 2-4 miles going to some where, walk another 2-4 miles where you went to, over the course of the day (if possible) and then the 2-4 miles back home. ANYWAY! I kept that weight for nearly 10 years and then I went back to the "yo-yo" I was up and down more than Oprah, and then when I got older I had some complications that prevented a lot fo exercise. I also explained how then it became a 'catch-22' and that at my age now, i could not lose any more than 10% of my body, still making me morbidly obesed and with most of my comorbidities. I also have ever comorbidities that you can have! So anyway, I think that had a lot to do with getting approved first try. And remember, I just listed names of diets I tried and aprroinmate date and approximate weight-loss and weight-gain Good Luck, Riain Op-Date 05 Aug. 05
   — Riain B.

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