Can I safely take the medications that I need after wls?

I have to take several medications: 2 for bp, 2 for depression, others for diabetes. Atleast one of the pills is sustained relief-type. How will I handle these after surgery?    — April B. (posted on March 13, 2001)

March 13, 2001
You need to talk with your doctor, first off. But from my experience, I can tell you that I simply don't take my diabetes meds any more (I watch my blood sugar VERY closely, and so far it hasn't been high enough to merit either my insulin or my orals). As far as sustained-release meds go, I can't take them because they're too large at this early stage (almost 3 weeks post-op), and you're not supposed to crush or cut sustained-release pills. Instead, my doc prescribed a different, but related, med that I can cut into small enough pieces to handle right now.
   — Suzanne B.

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