What is the purpose of the physc. evaluation?

My insurance company doesn't require a psych. evaluation but my doctor does. What exactly are they trying to find out at this evaluation? Thanks for your help.    — DeeDubbs (posted on July 24, 2000)

July 24, 2000
Donna the reason for the evaluation is to be sure you are of sound mind to undergo the changes your body is going to go through after the surgery Chasity
   — chasity F.

July 24, 2000
Not to worry, I even had to have a Psych Eval before I could get into a Computer Programming Course. Basically what it lets them know is that there are no hidden psychological problems that could adversely effect your recovery. Also that you are capable of understanding the profound effect this will have on all aspects of your life. For example; there are people who suffer from delusions(ie schizophrenic) or who are bipolar(ie manic/depressive) and who at times seem "normal". This type of evaluational testing can reveal these tendancies and would lead to treatment. Having a Psych Eval is not a "slight" against You personally, it is just another tool for your surgeon. Don't Worry there are no wrong answers. It's the pattern of answers that they are interested in, not the individual answers. Just be honest and don't try to analyze the questions. My biggest problem when I had mine was that I had been a Psych Major in college, and I knew all about them, but had never taken them before. ttfn Warm Healing Skinny thoughts to all:)
   — Barbara I.

July 25, 2000
Don't worry - this is very standard procedure for many doctors and surgeons before having the surgery. The appointment I had was actually one of the most pleasant experiences for me. She basically wanted to know what kind of life I had - was I involved with people, other activities, etc. This surgery is a major step with major life changing (and wonderful) elements to it which will all happen within a relatively short period of time. They want to be sure you can handle this mentally. You'll do fine.
   — Paula G.

July 25, 2000
Don't feel alone. My insurance company requested a mental Health evaluation. I complied with all of their request without complaint. I went to mental Health and answered all of their questions honestly. This evaluation reaffirmed my need for this surgery. Without debate "I AM NOW APPROVED FOR SURGERY." Give them what they need to approve you for surgery. After all they are giving you a whole new life. It becomes a win win situation. All parties are satisfied. And if they find someone unacceptable for surgery; more than likely they will treat their mental problem first and then they may be approved for surgery. After my mental health evaluation the Doctor told me if things got too rough for me to handle after surgery to come back. He was in the process of starting a support group. All of the doctors involved in helping me to obtain this surgery have been helpful and looking out for my best interest and I found them to be a blessing.
   — [Anonymous]

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