I just came home from a 4 week check up and I have only lost 13 pounds.

I am so discouraged. My start weight is 238# and I am 5'2". I am walking anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day on my treadmill (approx. 35-45 minutes/day). I am not a grazer so I have my 3 meals (still pureed) of fish, lowfat cottage or ricotta cheese, chicken, some sort of high protein. I usually have 1-2 snacks of applesauce, sugar free popsicle, etc. I am so depressed. Please give me some feedback. Am I whining?    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 10, 2000)

May 10, 2000
No sweetie, you are not whining. It is a major adjustment and when you see others' successes, it is hard not to compare. That is probably my number one weakness. Just remember, measure everything you eat. Every bite, every crumb, and your not for even one minute slack off on that. Keep up with your exercise and before you know it you will see that scale start to move. In the mean time, you are losing inches...measure...and you are becoming healthy. You don't have nearly as much to lose as most of us do and even though it seems like a lot now, remember too that the smaller you are when you start out, the slower it will come off. Just be faithful in all the basics and it will happen. Water, Protein, Exercise. Can't say it enough. You are going to do fine. Ask for help whenever you feel down. That will help you through too. Smile :)
   — S S.

May 10, 2000
Just think of it this way....if you average 13# a month (not impossible if you remain consistant) you will weigh less than 125# in only 9 months. That doesn't seem too bad to me! Even if you go down to 10# a month (better than I did on any diet I was ever on!) you will weigh less than 125# in one year! I could live with that! I hope this helps!
   — heidiinPA

May 10, 2000
Take your measurements - and do it ONCE each month. I don't know what my current weight is or how much total weight I've lost -- it is NEVER ENOUGH. That game makes me crazy. I was so depressed after my first month when I compared my weight loss to 'everyone elses'. Then I took my measurements - I had lost a total of 30" all over - I was down a complete size! My 6-wk weigh in was also minimal -- yet I realized that I lost more weight during this 6-week period that I had with all the programs I had been on in the last 10 years. The numbers make me crazy. I motivate myself with the tape measure and clothes. Please dont let the scale discourage you from becoming the person you've always wanted to be.
   — Toni B.

May 11, 2000
Also remember that the less you weigh to start with the slower you'll lose weight. I'm sure those people you're comparing yourself to started out much higher than 238 pounds! That's almost a goal weight for some of us! :-)
   — Kellie L.

May 11, 2000
Maybe you can add a pre-digested protein supplement to be certain you are getting the minimum protein daily. I have often found that adding protein boosts my weight loss. I understand your pain. I am over 7 months postop and have been on a plateau for over 2 months now. Keep doing all the good things you are doing.
   — [Anonymous]

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