Does anyone weigh themselves once or more a day?

Does anyone else weight themselves once or more a day? I do this to always keep track of my weight. I feel by doing this that I can always stay on top of my weight as I do not want to go back to being morbidly obese. Any advice would be helpful.    — Marti M. (posted on February 16, 2005)

February 16, 2005
From everything I've read, I guess weighing once or more per day can be a bad idea. However, since coming home from the hospital 18 months ago I've been on the scales at least once a day, sometimes more. In the beginning it was the rush of watching the pounds disappear before my eyes. Now, it's just my way of making myself stay on track. Also, weighing every day has helped me know which days of the month my weight fluctuates. I can vary as much as 7-9 pounds depending on the time of day or month. So, I say, as long as weighing every day is working for you, keep it up. This is the biggest struggle of our lives and we have to find what works for us to keep it working forever. Congrats on your success!!
   — Rhonda Y.

February 16, 2005
I have weighed every day since I was only a few weeks post op. I write it on a calander everyday and I can see week to week and month to month. This helps me stay on track every day and stay focused. When I was first post op, I had read never weigh except at your docs office, and now being almost 2 years post op I have read several 2 year and older post ops, over the last several months that have gained alot of weight back, and are having trouble getting it off. I never want to be obese again either so I hope this will help me keep control. If it works for you go for it. Its seems to be working for me. Good luck. Rosemary
   — wizz40

February 16, 2005
I weigh everyday and the same time. It helps me stay on top weight! It's easier to lose 3 pounds than 10~
   — SJP

February 16, 2005
I weigh myself first thing in the morning and just before bed. I am always 2 to 3 lbs. heavier in the evening. By doing this I am constantly aware of my weight, so that it never gets out of control again. Over the holidays I slacked off on exercise and gained 7 lbs. It has taken me almost 2 months to get that slight gain off. I don't ever want to look in the mirror again and see that 375 lb. woman. My thin sister has never weighed more than 125 and she also weighs herself twice a day. To me this allows you to be aware of your body and its fluctuations.
   — ckreh

February 16, 2005
My morning routine, wake up, go to the bathroom, strip, weigh in. Every day with out fail unless I am out of town and separated from my scale.
   — **willow**

February 16, 2005
I weigh myself every morning after the bathroom, and before the shower, and every night before bed. Some say it is not a good idea, but like the others have said, it keeps my weight in check.
   — Fixnmyself

February 16, 2005
I've always been told it's a no-no but to me it serves as a constant reminder and just means that I'm conscious of my weight loss efforts. It can be discouraging because I have seen as much as a 5lb gain in less than 24 hours because of the amount/type of food I've eaten or water-weight gain but I've learned that this is normal and I KNOW that I will go back down.
   — boonikki29

February 16, 2005
Hi Marti! Yes I too weight myself several times a day. I am 13 months out and now at a stable weight. I have read about many people gaining weight back and it scares me to death. I will do everything in my power to keep this from happening to me. Just remember that many factors can change your weight. Everything from the time of day and how hydrated you are. I have come to notice what I weight at a certain time of day compared to other times. I weight between 165-170 throughout the day. Also remember if you use a different scale it can cause a change in your weight. I weight myself everyday when I am done working out at the gym and it seems to weight me a couple of pounds heavier than other scales. Congratulations! I wish you continued success!!! Dan
   — manufracture

February 16, 2005
Hey Marti! This is Sheryn & I too weigh everyday. I am a nurse in a doctors office, so I walk by the scales every morning on the way to my desk. I think it is kinda neat how I can lose 4 or 5 lbs in a weekend, & then gain 2 lbs in 1 day. It goes up & down. I record my weight loss every monday, as my OFFICIAL weight loss. So I don't think it is a bad idea, unless it depresses you when you gain. Happy Losing!! Sheryn 348/276/goal 180
   — sheryn

February 17, 2005
I had to add. My daily weight, I feel, serves to help me maintain. I have been steady with in 5 pounds of the same weight (except for losing from plastic surgery) for 1 year now. It is my personal goal to never be fat again. The daily weight keeps me honest and accountable. I do keep in perspective that I will weigh 5 pounds more one week of the month and drop it all in 2 days at the end of that week. It helps me know my body and keep tabs on where it is.
   — **willow**

February 17, 2005
Every day without fail, first thing in the morning. I feel this is my primary tool for maintenance. I didn't weigh myself every day during weight loss phase, but since I've been a "maintenance" girl for a while now, it really helps me. You get to see those 2 or 3 pounds gains a lot quicker, and you can "jump" on it before it becomes 5 or 10! I take heed when I read about people starting to gain weight around 2 years, so I know I have to "stay in the game." Lap RNY 9/11/03, 270/162
   — Carlita

February 17, 2005
I do. I keep a little notepad on my window sill in the bathroom and write my weight down each morning. It could be frustrating if I didn't write it down and was able to look back over the month to see what I had lost. This keeps me on track. I have been known to weight at night also, but that is unofficial and doesn't get written down.
   — lgraham

February 17, 2005
I am a total scale addict! I've even gone back and taken off my clothes to weigh myself a few times on days when I've had to hit the ground running and haven't jumped on first thing! Like others have said though...keeps it continually before me...helps keep me in check.
   — eaamc

February 18, 2005
Absolutely! - My doctor called it "Micro-managing" and I still do it to this very day and it's worked for me SOOOOOO Far.... feel free to visit my profile!
   — lindajenkins

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