I would like to know what is the normal average weight loss per week?

I know everybody is different, but I just want to compare. I'm doing everything right I believe. I weigh myself once a weigh some weeks I know it's going to a big loss and It's around 3 pounds. What am I doing wrong? I keep track of calories, fat, sugar, protein, and even my carbs. I'm 7 weeks post and I have only lost 32 pounds. Please help me. (And I also exercise 30 minutes a day)    — preciousm (posted on January 7, 2005)

January 7, 2005
I have no idea what the real "Average" is but I know some people seem to melt and others like MYSELF slowly plod along. Either way you'll get there if you continue to do what you're doing. I'm down 100 lbs in 9 months. Not real fast but its going.
   — FaithMills

January 7, 2005
Join the club. I had my surger almost three weeks ago. The first two weeks, I lost 20 pounds. This week, I have only lost 3 pounds. I walk 2 miles five days a week, and watch what I eat. I have been told, that it depends alot on your presurgery weight. But..I am happy that something is coming off. Just keep it up. Any amount of pounds is better than no pounds. Good Luck!
   — hot-n-sexy-mama

January 7, 2005
I think 3 pounds a week is great! I lost an average of < 10 pounds a month thru my journey and surpassed all possible imagination to be a size 8 from a 28-30
   — **willow**

January 7, 2005
32lbs in 7 weeks. You are doing great. Keep up the good work!
   — catleth

January 8, 2005
I think you are doing great. I was about where you are at 7 weeks. I am now 9 1/2 months out and down 123 lbs. I have hit 3 plateaus so far, with the most recent lasting almost a month. Just keep up the good work and remember you will hit plateaus, but then you keep going. Julie Glennie - Lap RNY 3/17/04 * 341/218/160
   — Julie Rich

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