When Will I Realize This Is Really MY Body?

Have any of you ever felt like you were living a dream? I have lost 155 pounds. Sometimes I forget I'm smaller--like the head hasn't caught up with the body!    — Denise P. (posted on July 9, 2004)

July 8, 2004
I'm right there with you. I had surgery in 11/02 and I have lost 170+ pounds. I'm at my goal and maintaining my weight now. Most often, I just CAN'T believe what I see in the mirror. I bought a skirt that was a size 8 the other day, after having to leave the dressing room twice to get smaller sizes (12 was too big, so I tried 10, that was too big, so I went to get an 8!) 8??? Me??? I just don't think so! But, it's true. And, I'm SLOWLY getting used to it. I find that making sure I have a few full length mirrors in the house (OMG- they were such a NO! when I was SMO)and making sure to have my picture taken regularly are both big helps. Good luck to you!

July 9, 2004
Denise - your question could have been posted by me! I had Lap rny May 2, 03, started at 336 and today am 157 (this is my 2nd day at 157 and still can't believe it). That's 179 lbs, and, at 5'8" I'm told that I look very slender, very narrow (no hips). I see the fat on my stomach and my squishy thighs. Honestly, that is what I see. My DH yesterday took off his jeans and said, "try mine on. I'll bet you that they will fit". Now, he is a very slender built fellow and is only 5'6" or so and 140 or so lbs. (He has actually lost 40 lbs during the past year due to our healthier lifestyle and cooking!) Well, I certainly didn't believe that I could get into 32 waisted Levi's! Do you know what? Fit like a charm. Good thing I didn't bet! I also went shopping with my Mom 3 days ago - believe this or not - this is the FIRST time that I have gone shopping for clothes since my WLS 14+ months ago! (this is a testament to the generousity of my Mom and sisters and a testimony of a family of yo-yo dieters!) Anyway, I'm looking thru' the sale racks at Kohl's and, most everything was just too big! I found that 12's were comfortable, but so were a few 10's and 8's. I had to buy one pair of cords that were a size 6! While they were obviously cut too generously at the manufacturer's (that would be why they were still on the sale rack) the label says 6 and they fit great (even a little loose!). It gives me a kick. I have no idea when I will start seeing my body for what it is. When I catch my reflection, I assume it is the angle of the mirror or window that is deceiving. I cannot be what I see - a vestige of my illness and sickness, I suppose. In some way, I think that I don't want to accept that I am at an ok weight - I've been preparing for this time for 2+ years and it scares me to no end. Losing weight is an activity. Maintaining a healthy weight is a lifestyle and a huge commitment to yourself. I think I am up to the challenge. I know that I am up to the challenge. I will not stick my head in the sand. Well, you get my drift! Best of luck to us all during our continued journey! Jodie Lap RnY 05-02-03 336/157/??
   — Jodie P.

July 9, 2004
I've heard it takes two years for our brains to catch up. I'm 3 years post-op and I think I've caught up.
   — mom2jtx3

July 9, 2004
I'm almost two years post-op and have lost 170 pounds. The first time I really thought I was not fat was when I was looking for a long sweater to go with a skirt I was buying and also to cover my hips. The skirt was a size 6, and I FINALLY said to myself, "Wait a minute, I don't need to cover my hips - there is nothing fat about a size 6!!" Now I wear size 2-4 (and even have a size 0 skirt I can fit into!) When I refer to myself, I call myself thin - not "OK" or "Not too big" or "Kind of skinny". I think that makes a big difference in the way I view myself because it means I give myself positive messages. Also, I do not refer to my body as a separate entity from the "real" me. In the past, my body has always felt so separate from the rest of me. While I liked my personality and my mind, I hated my body, and my heart and soul were constantly battling against my body. I think that is part of the reason that in the past I re-gained any weight I had lost. And, I no longer allow myself to feel the shame I used to feel. I am not ashamed or embarrassed when I'm walking down the street, and teenage boys drive by and check me out - but once upon a time I was. Your body will become your own when you think of it as all part of the wonderful and unique package that is you. You have no reason to feel anything but pride in you accomplishment. Good luck to you.
   — Ann H.

July 9, 2004
I am 17 months post op, staring at 255, now 132.5. The last 2 1/2 pounds were a gift from my gall bladder surgery last week LOL! Before that I was at 135 for almost 6 months, and at 5'7", very happy. I too see the squishy belly and thighs, as well as the extra skin that hangs over the sides of my bras. I call my belly a pile of dough---yuk. I have gone from a 24 to a medium on most things on top. I haver acquired a new addiction. SHOPPING!!! I love the markdown racks, but even more love to try on things just to see what they will look like on me. It is like playing dress up. It is so much fu. These are the times that I can see that I DO have a new boday. I went to work today and was wearing a new bra that I bought w/o trying on. It by style, not size was as snug as a corset. I was so nervous that I was having chest pains that I went to the bathrtoom and just took it off. WHo ever would believe that I could go braless----yet another wake up that I have a new body. I could go on. Life as the new me is pretty darn fun to be!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

July 9, 2004
I still catch myself saying how fat I look in something..Mom family gets mad when I say this. It has been over two years for me. I'm finaly getting my tummy tuck at the end of this month maybe I will feel better then. Total lose of weight 190 pounds now weigh 120-125
   — sarah C.

July 9, 2004
I agree totally with what EVERYONE has posted. I have lost about 180 lbs and I am 17 mo post op. I am a size 2/4 now and I have such a hard time seeing myself the way that everyone else does. I guess the extra skin plays a big part in this.. I still see squishy fat.. but my plastic surgeon says it is SKIN, and I have no extra body fat. I just can't comprehend that. Good thing I have a great therapist lol.
   — SarahC

July 9, 2004
I will be 10 yrs out shortly and that means I've been at this wt for about 9 yrs. While I cannot spot my shape in a crowd, the other day I eyeballed a shirt 'n skirt (didn't look at the numbers--why? they don't mean anything) and they fit. Perfectly. The fact that I can now estimate my size and shape with some accuracy is a huuge surprise to me, since previously, I was going up or down so much, who knew what size I was today? I've now been this size longer than any other single size in my life. Before I was large, larger or largest. I'm smaller now, but whatever size it is, it is THIS size. I have everything in my closet from 0-14, and they all fit. Tags mean nothing, except for the lift of buying a 0.
   — vitalady

July 10, 2004
I can relate to you (twice) when I became obsese I could not believe it was my body - and now that I've lost 100 pounds to date I can recall being this size, but as you say the mind has not caught up with the quickness of the lose. I think that I am off balance at times or I'll run and mental not take into account that there is less of me to lift. LOL
   — Anna M.

July 11, 2004
I'm 13 months out from surgery and have lost 130 pounds...I still feel very disconnected from my body.I'm 144 pounds and a size 8 now but still find myself browsing in the plus sized section.
   — jennifer A.

July 12, 2004
It takes time. I'm pretty certain about my sixe now and can estimate what will and won't fit me while shopping. I still get surprised by photos sometimes. One thing that did help me was to go with a trusted friend to the mall and have her point out to me all the people that were my size. That was a real eye-opener. hugs, Ann....RNY 9/10/99.... 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

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