I am down 20.5 pounds in 5 days from surgery.

Can this be good for me???    — Vitabella (posted on February 1, 2004)

February 1, 2004
CONGRATS YOUR A BIG FAST LOOSER! See my profile I was the same way. It was the most fun experience of my entire life! Dont worry be happy your a lucky post op.
   — bob-haller

February 1, 2004
I lost 30 lbs. in the first 14 days post op. I weighed 378 the day of surgery and now 16 months post op I have lost 144 lbs. Believe me the weight loss will be fast in the beginning and then it will drastically slow down. Congratulations on the weight loss so far.
   — ckreh

February 1, 2004
That sound like a lot, but alot of it was probably water and fluid weight...not actually bodyfat loss. You are likely fine and healthy! Good luck to you
   — thekatinthehat

February 2, 2004
You p5robably gained some water weight in the hospital and so much of the early loss is the excess fluids. Fast loss is fun though!
   — catleth

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