Symptoms of Depression?

   — Yolanda J. (posted on January 21, 2004)

January 21, 2004
Sounds like a bit of depression and as you lost the fat the hormones go wild and crying can become away of coping because your trying not to use food to feed your feelings like in the past. I have gone thru the same thing at different times. Try finding a hobby or something you like to do as an outlet. You may want to see some therapy to uncover the reasons and how to deal with them.
   — Tammy N.

January 21, 2004
Sounds like you are definitely suffering from depression. You may have had it before and covered it up by eating. But there is no reason for you to feel this way. Go to your primary care and explain how you are feeling. He can give you something to help you through this tough spot. Then, if you want, you can go to therapy to learn better ways to cope. Best of luck. Kathy Open RNY 2/10/03 215/125/120
   — kathyb

January 21, 2004
Check with your insurance company. See what their mental health benefits are. Just because we lose weight doesn't mean we fix the underlying problems. Every person who has wls, should seek out counseling to help with the issues that caused them to become obese. Keisha
   — keishax

January 21, 2004
Yolanda, You have done wonderfully...I too experienced some sad feelings especially during the first 100 lbs of weight loss. There are so many issues we have to deal with from being obese, and I was always quick to present a healthy attitude -never effected. Ha! I recommend counseling it has been a wonder for me. Now I only go every four weeks but it still takes the edge off. Best wishes to you!
   — debmi

January 21, 2004
Hi Sweetie, It would appear that you do have depression. But remember that all of us here are not doctors, and only a doctor can diagnose you correctly.... That being said, I will say what no one else has; depression is not only normal, it's expected after weight loss. I won't even go into all the changes in your body, the emotional issues that you can't turn to food over, etc. I will tell you a SCIENTIFIC fact: Fat cells carry estrogen. And when you lose weight, you are releasing estrogen into your body. And estrogen is what makes us moody during menses. So when people nochallantly tell you its hormones, IT IS! And you can receive treatment for it. Don't be upset, it's normal!
   — Jeanne S.

January 25, 2004
I am still pre-op but depression and I go way back!! What you describe does sound alot like depression (aka "The Beast"). I have suffered many years with this and I am under medication and talk therapy. Depression is a chemical imbalance that manifests itself in your mood and emotions. It can be brought on by many things, not the least of them being WLS. In fact it is probable more common in WLS than most admit. It may be that it goes away quickly with WLS, I don't know. I fear an intensified bout of depression for me after WLS because I have dealt with it prior to surgery. Everyone needs to deal with depression differently. Please talk to your doctor about this. A GREAT website about depression is The site offers alot of resources as well as a depression self test. Let me know if I can offer you any help.
   — jeh

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