almost 6 wks post op and feeling funny

I'm almost 6wks post op and for the last 3 days have been feeling nauseated no matter what I eat or drink, although I have not felt as if I'm going to throw tummy is just a bit upset. Now this afternoon I've started feeling dizzy along with this and almost 'faint'and 'shakey'...I have been checking my blood sugars regularly and they've been running normal although they are getting lower every week. I take 2 meds for blood pressure too and I'm wondering if my blood pressure is too low???? I have a home monitor but it has never seemed to even be close to what my doc's ofc is...can anyone give me any idea what could be going on with me?? I've been getting my protein and water in even though they turn my stomach.I'm really kind of scared.    — huggygrrl (posted on January 19, 2004)

January 19, 2004
I would make an appt to see your dr asap, I would say depending on how much water you are getting in your could be dehydrated, you could just have a flu bug too. There can be many reasons but if you take many different meds for different things I would consult your dr, it could be that they are too much for you now, or it could even be that they aren't working as well as they should be.
   — Saxbyd

January 19, 2004
It could be so many things ... definitely get in to see your doctor ASAP.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 19, 2004
Pick up the phone and call your surgeon. It could be a number of things. Please don't hesitate calling..
   — Dianna S.

January 19, 2004
read my profile when i was about 3 weeks post-op
   — franbvan

January 19, 2004
Four words: GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!! It sounds like dumping syndrome, and dehydration. Since we don't know which it is---pick of the phone and let your surgeon know that there is a problem. Please do it now. Jessica
   — Jessica D.

January 21, 2004
You may need some salt. The best way to achieve this is with Boullion cubes. Boil some water and add I think it's a cup of boiling water to one Cube. This will stop the dizzy feeling. Of course this does sound like "Dumping Syndrome"
   — Kelly T.

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