open 8-13-03 313 starting weight,5'9. 65lbs lost and at standstill

i am really depressed and scared that this is it. i am probably being to hard on myself and just truly need someone to tell me its going to be ok. this is my second standstill and i am afraid this is all i will ever loose. has anyone felt so "worried" about 'the end' of the line? especially so early?    — holly C. (posted on November 20, 2003)

November 20, 2003
I am sure if you look in the library, or anyone's website you will most everyone hits plateaus. This won't be your first or your last. I hit one every two months and they last about 3 weeks.
   — Gail O.

November 20, 2003
EVERYONE worries that every pound lost is the last one. It might've helped (might not) to have been told over & over pre-op that your wt loss will slide for the first 3-4 weeks, then the rest of the way are steps. Step, rest, step, rest. That's just how it is. And the rests get longer and the steps get shorter. At the end, I'd go 4 weeks, then dorp only 3 lbs. But I was finishing, and it would not have been good to go screaming past goal at 30# per month, right?
   — vitalady

November 20, 2003
I hit a plateau each month. For three weeks I don't lose anything and sometimes the scale goes up 2 pounds (period week). Then in the fourth week I drop 3-5 pounds and the extra 2 that I might of regained from water retention. This has been happening for about four months now. I don't get upset anymore because I realize this is my body's way of dealing with this surgery.<p> I also find that on plateau weeks I lose lots of inches, so my body is just readjusting. I can't complain I am 13 months postop I started at 5'9" 378lbs and I am now down 140.5 pounds and 68 inches.<p> Try to stay positive and you will find the pattern that your body naturally follows.
   — ckreh

November 20, 2003
Open 8/22/03 and lost 49 lbs. at 5'9" starting 284.5 - You are doing great!!!! Up your water for a week and you will see a decrease. I know exactly what you feel like but 65 lbs is nothing the sneeze at - It's GREAT!! Keep your head up and make sure you are drinking water and exercising.
   — Lisa W.

November 20, 2003
Plateaus plays a big part in everyones wl journey, they explains this to everyone before they had the surgery, it's something we all have to deal with. you will loss, I was at a stand still for 42 longggggggg days, I felt just like you, but got my mind together and started thinking positive, and I just re focused and changed my program a little. I upped everything. and made sure I ate very very little carbs and no sugar. and It finally started moving again. eating sweets, pasta, potatoes, rice,etc. will slow or put you into plateaus quickly.
   — Naes Wls J.

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